PubMed ID (PMID): 21365023Pagine 19-27, Lingua: IngleseBonacci, Fred J.A combination of hard and soft tissue grafting is used to augment a thin biotype. A 26-year-old woman with mandibular anterior flaring and Miller Class I and III recessions requested interceptive treatment. Surgery included a full-thickness buccal flap, intramarrow penetrations, bone graft placement, and primary flap closure. Postoperative visits were at 2 and 4 weeks and 2, 3, and 6 months. Stage-two surgery consisted of submerged connective tissue graft placement. Postoperative visits were completed at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks and 1 year. Follow-up was completed 3 years after the initial surgery. Interradicular concavities were resolved and gingival biotype was augmented. Soft tissue recession remained at 6 months. Reentry revealed clinical labial plate augmentation; 2 mm was achieved at the lateral incisors and the left central incisor and 3 mm was achieved at the right canine. No bone augmentation was achieved on the left canine and right central incisor. The dehiscence at the right central incisor appeared narrower. Overall, a 2- to 3-mm gain in alveolar bone thickness/height was observed. Two months after stage-two surgery, near complete root coverage was achieved; 1 mm of recession remained on the left central incisor. There was a soft tissue thickness gain of 2 mm without any visual difference in keratinized tissue height. Interradicular concavities were eliminated; the soft tissue was augmented and the gingival biotype was altered. Interdental soft tissue craters remained. One year after connective tissue graft placement, there was near complete root coverage at the left central incisor, which at 2 months experienced residual recession. Interradicular concavities and interdental soft tissue craters were eliminated with soft tissue augmentation, including clinical reestablishment of the mucogingival junction. Clinical stability remained 3 years after the initial surgery, with the patient noting comfort during mastication and routine oral hygiene. A clinical increase in labial plate thickness, in conjunction with soft tissue augmentation, appears to provide for continued stability and decreased potential for future clinical attachment loss.