Purpose: To evaluate the clinical outcome of four to five implants immediately restored with metal-resin screw-retained cross-arch fixed prostheses in edentulous jaws 1 year after loading. Materials and Methods: In total, 104 consecutive patients received four 11 × 4.5 mm implants with a torque superior to 35 Ncm. If one implant did not reach a torque superior to 35 Ncm a fifth implant was added. If two implants did not reach a torque superior to 35 Ncm, loading was postponed after 3 months. A total of 127 metal-resin screw-retained fixed prostheses (59 mandibular and 68 maxillary) were to be delivered within 3 days. Outcome measures, evaluated by the treating clinician, were: prosthesis and implant failures, as well as complications. Results: In total, 549 implants were placed (195 immediate post-extractive implants). Twelve maxillary prostheses were delayed loaded, whereas all others were loaded immediately. One year after loading, six patients dropped out, 12 implants failed in eight patients (two patients lost three implants each), and 87 prostheses were remade in 68 patients, one because of three implant failures and then again in the recall programme (replaced twice), one because of tree implant failures and five prosthesis fractures, 10 because of prostheses fractures and 74 in a recall programme for prosthesis replacement. All patients were wearing the planned fixed prostheses at the end of the first year in function. Ninety-eight complications occurred in 66 patients, but all were successfully solved. Conclusions: Immediately loaded cross-arch prostheses supported by four to five implants are a viable therapeutic option, if prostheses are made with resistant frameworks.
Parole chiave: dental implants, fully edentulous jaws, immediate loading
Conflict of interest statement: This study was partially supported by Thommen Medical (Grenchen, Switzerland), the manufacturer of the implants evaluated in this investigation, however data belonged to the authors and by no means did the manufacturer interfere with the conduct of the trial or the publication of the results.