Poster 19, Lingua: TedescoSchirm, H./Schirm, N./Hirschfelder, Ursula/Martus, PeterThe coming through of wisdom teeth depends to a high degree on the dimension of the retromolar space as well as on the position of the third molar germs. The intention of this study was to investigate the reproducibility of various parameters to give an opinion concerning the retromolar space. For this reason on panoral radiographs and lateral cephalometric radiographs of 21 patients the size of the retromolar space, the angulation of the third molar germs to the occlusal plane and their vertical position were measured. Measurement was done twice by two examiners. Between the examiner results no systematic deviations were detected. The investigated parameters for judging the dimension of the retromolar space and the position of the third molar germs turned out to be sufficiently exact.
Parole chiave: wisdom-teeth, retromolar-space, panoral-radiograph, lateral-cephalometric-radiograph