Poster 69, Lingua: TedescoBraasch, Volker/Schmitz, Inge/Müller, Klaus-Michael/Grimm, Wolf-DieterThe purpose of this study was to characterize different Ti-surfaces using REM and spectroscopy (AES and EDX) and to compare the quantity of bacterial compositions on different titanium surfaces using quantitative SEM- in vivo studies for assessing the effects of material selection on bacterial cell responses. The cp titanium units were obtained from titanium grade 1 and 2 with smooth like transmucosal implant collar-surface topographies by using the Dentaurum -casting technique and the Procera -milling technique. Titanium specimens were positioned on to the teeth for monitoring the subgingival early bacterial adhesion at 6, 12 and 24 hours. The quantitativ assesment of diameters of bacterial layers was recorded by using the software system PC Images for Windows. Early bacterial adhesion on the intrasulcular Ti-surfaces showed a difference between the two Ti-samples (cp Ti grade 1 and 2). The count of particles and their diameters after all times of intraoral exposition measured were greater in the Cp-group than in the Re-group of specimens. The differences were statistically significant (Mann-Whitney-U-Test, p= 0,05).All titanium specimens showed either a continuous or a fragmented coating by colonizing bacteria. Surface analysis using Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) indicated that the oxide thickness and the subsurface composition of titanium influence subgingival early bacterial adhesion. The inhibitory CH2-groups covered the outer TiOx - layer and could not be identified on casted titanium surfaces.
Parole chiave: Quantitative, REM-Untersuchung, Biofilmbildung, Titanoberflächen