Poster 71, Lingua: TedescoKühnisch, Jan/Heinrich-Weltzien, Roswitha/Stößer, Lutz/Senkel, HelgaThe aim of this study was to assess the caries risk in 450 8-year-old Westphalian children by the clinical methods of the 'DAJ-criteria', the 'Schieber zur Kariesrisiko-Bestimmung' and the 'Dentoprog-method'. Caries was recorded using WHO diagnosing criteria. The caries risk was assessed for each child with all methods.
79.1% of the children had caries free permanent teeth. The mean caries experience was 7.6 dfs and 0.7 DMFS. Using the 'DAJ-criteria' (dft/DMFT > 5/7 or DT > 0/2) 19.8% of the 8-year-olds were identified at risk. By the 'Schieber zur Kariesrisiko-Bestimmung' a high caries risk was predicted for 47.8% of the children. Both methods agreed in 71% of low and high caries risk assessment. Comparing the agreement of the 'Schieber zur Kariesrisiko-Bestimmung' and the "Dentoprog-method" in caries risk assessment the same categorization was found for 94% of the children. The positive correlations (Spearman) of the risk predictors used by the 'Schieber zur Kariesrisiko-Bestimmung' and the "Dentoprog-method" compared to the caries prevalence as well as to the low number of caries free mixed dentitions (32%) indicated a correctly classified caries risk group with the 'Schieber zur Kariesrisiko-Bestimmung'.
This study suggests that the 'Schieber zur Kariesrisiko-Bestimmung' should be recommended as preventive orientated method for identification of caries risk patients in the annual dental examination by the dentists of the public health care system.
Parole chiave: Kariesprävalenz, Kariesrisiko-Einschätzung, DAJ-Kriterien, Dentoprog-Methode, Schieber zur Kariesrisiko-Bestimmung