Poster 84, Lingua: IngleseGrohmann, Ulrike/Kubein-Meesenburg, DietmarInterceptive treatment carried out with removable appliances at the correct time may save the patient from a more complicated treatment at later stage.
Early orthodontic treatment will not resolve all potential orthodontic problems or totally inhibit adverse skeletal growth patterns. However, by identifying problems at an early stage it is possible to redirect skeletal growth, improve the occlusal relationship, enhance the patient's esthetics and self-image and, perhaps of even greater importance, achieve results that are unattainable later with the eruption of the teeth and the cessation of growth.
Diagnosis and management of three different cases are presented.
Case 1: The anterior crossbite associated with a mild skeletal Class III growth pattern was treated with a Fränkel III regulator to achieve a normal anterior overjet and overbite.
Case 2: Severe asymmetry in a pre-adolescent boy arose from a unilateral hypoplasia of the condyle. Early orthodontic interceptive treatment with an activator corrected the asymmetry. A plate with posterior bite blocks achieved a normal vertical relationship. Both together leaded to a normal development of the face and jaws.
Case 3: A patient with a unilateral posterior crossbite resulting from a maxillary constriction and association with an occlusion guided lateral deviation of the mandible upon closing. A maxillary expansion plate was used to correct the posterior crossbite. This was indicated to establish a stable occlusion and avoid possible deleterious effects on the developing temporomandibular joint. The treatment resulted in the eruption of the permanent molars in normal transverse relationship.
Parole chiave: interceptive therapy, early childhood, mixed dentition