Poster 89, Lingua: IngleseWeischer, Thomas/Mohr, ChristopherThe goal of the study was to examine the preliminary results of immediateimplant loading in patients with a general medical or psychological conditionrestricting their treatment capacity.Each of 5 patients with increased risk of operation - due to general healthyproblems (3 patients, anticoagulative or antidiabetic treatment) or dentophobiaand treatment only under general anesthesia (2 dentophobic patients)- receivedrestorations in the mandible with 4 one-step, transgingival, bar-supportedimmediately loaded Frialoc implants to minimize the number of implant surgicalinterventions.
There was no implant loss over a follow-up period of up to 19 months. Apart froman initial increase in bone resorption at 2 distally implants restored with acantilevered bar (the cantilevers were removed 13 months after delivery of theprosthesis), there were no serious surgical, prosthetic or general medicalproblems during the treatment period.
The initial results of the study indicate that single-step Frialoc system allowsfast and comfortable prosthetic mandibular restorations in patients with reducedtreatment capacity with minimal surgical risk because there is only oneprocedure.
Further studies on a larger patient collective over a longer period are urgentlyrequired to confirm the initial positive experiences.
Parole chiave: dental implants, Frialoc System, compromised patients