Poster 119, Lingua: TedescoHerdach, Frank/Ketabi, Ali-Reza/Groten, Martin/Pröbster, LotharPurpose: Purpose of the present study was to evaluate the sulcus-fluid-flow-rate (SFFR) of teeth restored with resin-bonded fixed partial dentures (RBFPD) compared with natural control teeth. The possible differences of the SFFR proximal and distal from the abutment connector on restored teeth was another aim of this study.
Materials and methods: The study included 14 patients after treatment with RBFPDs between 1986 and 1997 in our department. They received 16 resin-bonded fixed partial dentures. The sulcus-fluid was collected with filter strips at the mesial and distal side of abutment teeth and natural control teeth. The amount of gingival fluid was then determined by a gingival-crevicular fluid meter (Periotron 6000®).
Results: A statistically significant higher sulcus-fluid-flow-rate was observed on teeth restored with RBFPDs in comparison to natural control teeth. On abutment teeth, there was no statistically significant SFFR difference proximal and distal from the abutment connector.
Conclusions: Obviously RBFPDs induce an initial periodontal inflammation, as a rule with a subclinical development, therefore a periodical recall must be ensured.
Parole chiave: Sulcus-Fluid, Brücke, Adhäsivbefestigung, Mundhygiene