Poster 131, Lingua: TedescoBernhardt, Olaf/Gesch, Dietmar/Mundt, Thorsten/Schwahn, Christian/Meyer, Georg/John, UlrichThe aim of the present investigation was to evaluate several signs and symptoms of TMD as co- factors for tinnitus using data of 3124 subjects of the population based cross-sectional study 'Study of Health in Pomerania' (Ship). The screening was performed with the help of a multivariate logistic regression model which was adjusted for gender, age, and a variety of anamnestic and examined data. The target variable 'tinnitus' was formed from the combination of often- or constantly occurring tinnitus and examination by an ear-nose-throat specialist. As independent variables, the following variables were tested for significance in the logistic regression model: 1. Findings: gender, palpation pain in TMJ or masticatory muscles, pain upon maximal mandibular movement, deviations from straight mouth-opening of > 2 mm, facettes in dental hard tissue and restorations; 2. Anamnestic data: age, (categorized, adjusted according to the first age group), frequent headaches, frequent clenching of the teeth, frequent bruxism, physical complaints of unknown origin, anxiety attacks, worry, unfounded intense fears, agoraphobia, persistent sadness, persistent fatigue and listlessness, persistently overexcited and irritated, existential worry about occupation, high noise levels on the job. Furthermore the impact of signs and symptoms of TMD and tinnitus on the quality of life of this population-based sample was evaluated using the questionnaire SF-12 taken from Bullinger und Kirchberger.Increased Odds Ratios were found for palpation pain of the masticatory muscles (OR=2.3), teeth clenching (2.9), and listlessness (3.1) in females and for frequent headache (6.2) and listlessness (2.1) in males. A relationship between tinnitus and TMD was established only for males. Both disorders may be stress-induced.
Parole chiave: tinnitus, TMD, epidemiology, quality of life