Poster 185, Lingua: IngleseLazar, Frank Christian/Klesper, Bernd/Siessegger, Matthias/Zöller, Joachim E./Hidding, JohannesPositive effects of modified distraction protocols like callusmassage, distraction-compression-technique, dynamisation etc. on bone quality and healing process have been widely published in the field of orthopaedic surgery.Problem: The use of modified protocols for VDO in our field has not been published yet.Report of cases: Two clinical cases will be presented, that underline possible applications in our field and include 1. callusmassage, a cyclic, low frequent stretching of the regenerate beyond the period of distraction and 2. calluscompression, a modifikation which involves a single, 2-3mm recompression after complete distraction.Conclusion: The first clinical applications appeared to be most efficient under depressed healing conditions and lead to the necessity for a controlled experimental evaluation of the numerous possibilities of dynamisation in our field.
Parole chiave: distraction, modified, protocol, bone, quality