Poster 192, Lingua: TedescoDietrich, Michael/Gassmann, Georg/Guthofer, Ulrich/Grimm, Wolf-Dieter/Moriarty, John/Simpson, David M./Sy, Ira P./Williams, Ray C.In a split-mouth study over six month we analyzed the clinical and microbiological parameters of 47 casted and 9 CAD-CAM manufactured cp-titanium units (22 male and 23 female patients at the age of 19-66 years). The periodontal health of the restored teeth was compared to the contralateral unrestored teeth in periodontally treated patients. The periodontal status was evaluated using a four sites measurement of Plaque-Index (PI), Gingivitis-Index (GI), und Pocket depth (ST) at 'baseline' (T0), two weeks after baseline (T1) and six month after baseline (T2). The quality of the restorations was assessed using the quality assessment criteria of the Califonia Dental Association. The quantitative microbiological analyzes of the subgingival plaque to monitoring the periodontal pathogens A. actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), P. gingivalis (Pg) und P. intermedia (Pi) was provided using a 16S rDNA-probe after 6 months (T2).The split-mouth study did not show a significant difference in periodontal health (PI, GI, AL, PD) between the Ti- and the unrestored control group at T1-T3. All Ti units fulfilled the quality standards of the CDA. Compared to previous studies the analyzed Ti-frameworks showed the same quality as gold-based frameworks. Titanium can be recommended as material for crown and bridge frameworks that does not negatively effect the periodontium and gingiva.
Parole chiave: Titankeramische Suprakonstruktionen, klinisch-kontrollierte Mouth Split-Studie, Parodontaltherapie