Poster 255, Lingua: TedescoMaurer, Peter/Eckert, Alexander W./Schubert, JohannesThe chin as facial landmark deserves a special attention in the course of orthognathic surgery. As an additional procedure genioplasty may be indicated to obtain an optimal functional and aesthetic outcome.Aim of the present study to evaluate different indications, healing process and the results.During a 15 year period a total of 35 patients out of all 305 orthognathic patients underwent a genioplasty according to the Hofer procedure. The indication were as follows: 16 cases a mandibular hyperplasia, in 10 cases a mandibular hypolplasia, in 9 cases a frontal open bite.In only 4 cases the genioplasty were performed a single procedure, in 16 patients it was combined with a bilateral sagittal mandibular split, in 7 patients with a bimaxillary procedure and in 5 patients with a Le-Fort-I-osteotomy or segmental osteotomy. The osteotomy sites were stabilised with miniplates and miniscrews respectively. Minor healing problems were observed in 5 patients which were managed by local measurements only. A set-back was performed in 16 patients, a set-forward in 10 and reduction of the vertical dimension in 12 patients. Neurosensory disturbance were only found in 2 patients after 12 month follow-up.Based on the data one can conclude that the autologous genioplasty is an easy, cost-effective surgical procedure with low complication rate in order to achieve a facial harmony.
Parole chiave: Genioplastik, Dysgnathiechirurgie