Poster 287, Lingua: TedescoGrimm, Daniela/Cufi, Daniel/Otten, Jörg-Elard/Gutwald, Ralf/Schmelzeisen, RainerHigh aesthetics with almost invisible scares is becoming a need in the maxillofacial area especially by extra oral incisions.In a prospective study with 14 patients we compared the aesthetic results after wound closure using 2 octyl-cyanoacrilate and conventional suture using Vicryl.In case of an unavoidable submandibular incision for example by neck dissections or salivary gland extirpations, 10 times a unilateral incision was performed and 4 times a bilateral one.
As described in the study proceedings, the skin after subcutaneous suture was, either closed with skin glue or with conventional suture. The post operative results where evaluated using the Freiburger scare score after 1 week, 3 weeks, and one month.This evaluation considered: puncture sites, scare thickness, scare level, scare color and distinctive scare features.Also patient sensations and user satisfaction where evaluated.
For every criteria where ad maximum 10 points given.The handling of the applicator was rated as good by the surgeons.The acceptance of the skin glue was assessed with an average of 8, 5 points by the users.The patients acceptance was assessed with 8, 9 points which was higher than by conventional suture (7, 8 points).
The necessary time needed was 223 seconds using conventional skin suture, and 52 seconds using skin glue.This means a time saving of almost 76, 6%. Using the skin glue better aesthetic results where achieved.Comparing 2-octyl-cyanoacrilate with conventional suture the scare score was higher for 13 patients out of 14 in the first week, for 10 after 3 weeks and 12 after 3 months.
The advantage of the skin closure using skin glue is it's simple use and the time savings. The patients acceptance to the skin glue was higher because the removal of the suture was not necessary. As an important factor for the good cosmetic results the good wound adaptation is needed.As a consequence, the use of skin glue is a very good alternative choice to conventional suture.
Parole chiave: suture, Dermabond, skin-glue, effective, fast, aesthetic