Poster 291, Lingua: TedescoGassmann, Georg/Kleemann, Patrick/Shihabi, Firas/Grimm, Wolf-DieterIntroduction and aim: Regenerative therapy in furcation envolvement class IIis evidence based. Minimal invasive operation technique using minimalizedinstruments offers the opportunity for largely atraumatic operations. It isthe aim of our presentation to give a detailed picture of the operativesteps, the healing process after the regenerative procedure using clinicalparameters, x-ray and clinical photography.
Material and method: A 60-yearold female patient in April 2003 had the wish to maintain her prosthodonticrestorations as far as possible. Clinical and radiographical evaluationshowed the possibility to keep the restorations but revealed periodontaltreatment necessity due to chronic periodontitis. Clinical parameters (PBI,PPD, cAL) were improved after conservative periodontal treatment (SRP). Thepersisting furcation defect class II at tooth 47 offered the indication forperiodontal regenerative treatment with a bovine bone mineral substitute(0,25 ? 1mm) and an absorbable porcine collagen membrane. Chronologicallyincision technique, flap raising, periosteal releasing, root depuration,membrane application, augmentation and defect coverage are demonstratedphotographically. X-ray control was performed 6 and 12 months after therapy.
Results: wound healing was uneventful. The patient was without pain withinthe wound healing period. Clinical and radiographical reevaluations showed aclosed furcation.
Conclusion: The minimal invasive operation techniqueoffered an excellent adaptation and healing of the periodontal tissuessuggesting regeneration as far as this can be drawn from clinical andradiographical parameters. Thus due to periodontal regeneration theprognosis of the prosthodontic reconstruction could be enhanced and thepatient's wish was fulfilled.
Parole chiave: Minimalinvasiv, Gesteuerte parodontale Geweberegeneration, Furkationsbefall Grad II, bovine Knochenersatzmaterialien, Kollagenmembran