Poster 296, Lingua: TedescoShihabi, Firas/Gassmann, Georg/Grimm, Wolf-DieterIntroduction: Gingival recession represent a functional and cosmetic relevant problem. The usage of free connective tissuegraft is presented in the literature as the most successful method for recession coverage. The aim of our study is theretrospektive evaluation of the patients, in whom this method had been applied.
Material and method: 13 patients (6 women and7 men) with an average age of 39,3 (17-61) were treated after clinical evaluation of pocket probing depth, recession,attachment level, width of attached gingiva. 30 recessions were covered in 17 operations using coronally advanced flap andfree connective tissue graft, which was taken from the palate using a single-incision-technique (Hürzeler et Weng 1999). Thetreatment was carried out using minimal invasive operation technique. An postoperative antibiotic therapy with Doxycycline wascarried out with patient weight depending dosage. Antiphlogistic medication was administered for pain and swellingprophylaxis. The non absorbable sutures were removed 10 days postoperatively. The same clinical parameters were evaluatedafter 12 months average observation time (51-6 months) and compared to the baseline findings.
Results: The wound healing wasuneventful in all cases. The clinical recession coverage was 81% in average. A 100% coverage was achieved in the cases, whichhad a baseline recession of less than 4mm. The following improvement of clinical parameter was achieved: Average pocket depthreduction of 0,53mm, average gain in attachment level of 3,2mm and average gain in the attached gingiva of 1,7mm.
Conclusion:A recession coverage with a free connective tissue graft and coronally advanced flap using minimal invasive operationtechnique reliable procedure in case of class I and II recessions = 4 mm. Complete coverage of recessions, which are atbaseline = 4 mm, cannot be expected in 100% of the cases. It could only be evaluated histologically, if the attachment gain isdue to periodontal regeneration.
Parole chiave: longterm study, root coverage, minimal invasive, periodontal surgery, connective tissue graft