Poster 332, Lingua: IngleseStratul, Stefan-Ioan/Raica, Marius/Jianu, Rodica/Bold, AurelThis case report describes the incidental finding of the Chievitz organ in an unusually located cyst, which was detected during a distal wedge procedure while raising a mandibular flap on a 42 yo male patient with chronic periodontitis. The lesion occurred in the anterior aspect of the vertical ramus of the mandible, distally to a third molar 38 that was found with moderate mobility and lacking its antagonist. The tooth was left in place and the cyst was enucleated, based on evidence of radiographic radiotransparency, on clinical findings and on the decision to maintain the masticatory unit 27-37-38. The histopathological examination of the lesion was performed and the Chievitz organ was incidentally found. The treatment for the lesion is reported and the presence and significance of the Chievitz organ within the oral area is reviewed.
Parole chiave: chievitz organ, atypical cyst