Poster 371, Lingua: IngleseBortun, Cristina Maria/Sandu, Liliana/Porojan, SorinIntroduction: The complexity of the work stages used in the removablepartial denture technology increases the difficulty grade of denturesachieving and also the error sources.
Objectives: Theimprovement of the working style is imposed for reducing the working timeand economizing some materials used for intermediary stages.
Material and Methods: 30 Casts with different edentation types madein the Departement of Removable Partial Dentures Technology - UniversityDental College from Timisoara, Romania , were took for the study between2004-2005. The wax patterns of the metallic frameworks of the removablepartial dentures were made directly on the cast using a profiled "Ti -Light" (Ti Research GbR, Mainbernheim, Germany) or "LiWa"(WP Dental GmbHBevern/Hamburg), light curing waxes.
Results: Light curing waxesused in the removable partial dentures technology modify clearly the workingstages of the dental technician, through elimination of the intermediarystages of model duplication, reducing the working time and economizing ofsome materials. The wax pattern of metallic framework in removable partialdentures technology, was realised directly on the cast in 20 minutes andcured in 5 -8 minutes. Light-curing wax is sticky to the instruments andcast, difficult to use. Therefore it needs precision for the profilesapplying. Even the wax-pattern seems to have a great elasticity, theirremoving from the cast have to be made cautiously in order to avoid materialcracks or fractures. The fractures proportion is higher at Ti Light, thenLiWa.
Conclusions: Using light curing waxes is a novelty in thefield of removable partial dentures technology. Reducing the working timeand economizing some materials used for intermediary stages are majorqualities that will impose this materials in practice.
Parole chiave: Light curing waxes, removable partial denture, wax pattern