Poster 421, Lingua: TedescoBruhn, Gerlinde/Lorenz, Katrin/Toutenburg, Helge/Heumann, Christian/Brecx, Michel/Netuschil, Lutz/Hoffmann, ThomasObjective: The aim of this clinical controlled trial was to determine whether correlations exist between full-mouth and partial-mouth recording of plaque, gingivitis, and discoloration in six-month home-use studies on adjunctive application of mouthrinses.
Methods: Two study populations who had different oral hygiene habits were recruited. Group A consisted of 82 medical and dental students who had a gingival index 0.8. During the six-month study period in parallel groups, the subjects rinsed with 0.06 % or 0.12 % chlorhexidine digluconate, amine fluoride/stannous fluoride, or a placebo in addition to their habitual mechanical oral hygiene measures. Study parameters were: Plaque indices (Silness& Löe 1964, Turesky 1970), gingival index (Löe 1967), and discoloration index (Brecx et al. 1993). The indices were scored at all teeth of the dentition. Parameters were recorded at two weeks prior baseline, at baseline, three weeks, three months, and six months after baseline. To test the association between full-mouth scores and "Ramfjord teeth" scores the Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated (p
Parole chiave: klinisch kontrollierte Studie, Mundspüllösung, Ramfjord-Zähne, Plaqueindex, Gingivitisindex, Verfärbungsindex