Poster 463, Lingua: IngleseSandu, Liliana/Topala, Florin/Faur, Nicolae/Porojan, Sorin/Bortun, Cristina MariaCast and combination clasps are widely used in removable partial dentures technology. The aim of the study was to achieve 3D models in order to develop applications for basic research use, to design and optimize dental clasps. Plaster teeth were scanned and used to construct three dimensional models. The 3D models were used as a support for clasp modeling. Purposely designed experimental three-dimensional models of the clasp arms were constructed on the teeth surface and exported in a finite element analysis software to be used for structural simulations. Generated stresses and deformations were calculated numerically and plotted graphically. Results were displayed as colored stress contour plots to identify regions of different stress concentrations. This in vitro study demonstrated that structural analyses of cast clasps may offer a powerful tool in order to vizualize fracture risk areas.
Parole chiave: 3D modeling, stress distribution, dental clasps