Poster 491, Lingua: InglesePostic, Srdjan/Krupinski, Jerzy/Simonovic, Mileva/Zarow, Maciej/Jolovic, LjubomirIntroduction: All-ceramic CAD/CAM crowns should improve esthetic and occlusion of patients of advanced age. The Aim of the study was to present successful rehabilitation of anterior teeth of the patient by all-ceramic CAD/CAM crowns.
Material and Methods: Upper incisors 11, 12 and 21 of the patient (69 yrs. ) were prepared ( Jota Praparations set , Nr 1450, Switzerland ). A full-arch closed impression of abutments was made using light body silicone (Oranwash L, Zhermack ) in custom tray . A bite registration has been done in her mouth. Master cast was poured (Galigranit stone , Galenika). Optical impression In - Eos (Sirona Dental Systems) of each abutment in relation to the neighboring dentition was provided. Dental Database mode in PC was chosen to facilitate design. Each core-coping has been viewed on-screen from proximal locations, as well as apically . CAD / CAM technology allowed the 3-D crown design to help compensate for aesthetic and occlusion. In-Ceram alumina (VITA, Europe ) blocks were used for aesthetic properties. Veneering porcelain (VITA VM9) was added. The restorations were strained and glazed with Vita Akzent kit to add natural characterization in the Vita Vacumat oven. The dentin of prepared incisors was treated with 3 % hydrogen and the Interface porcelain adhesive system (Apex Dental Materials). Crowns were cemented using transparent Multilink -Sprint resin ( Ivoclar, Vivadent).
Results: The marginal and external fit of the crowns was excellent at the baseline, in the1st year, the 2nd year as well as in the 3rd year recall.
Conclusion: Accuracy, aesthetic and short-time fabrication of CAD/CAM generated all-ceramic crowns is satisfactory in dental prosthetic rehabilitation of patients of advanced age.
Parole chiave: fixed restorations, crowns, ceramic