Poster 543, Lingua: TedescoKetabi, Ali-Reza / Bornemann, Gido / Lauer, Hans-ChristophRetrospective follow-up of CAD/CAM Abutments
Stock Abutments are a common therapeutic method in implant dentistry. The geometric form is round like the implant. Teeth have a natural geometry which is individual for every patient. The Atlantis® Abutments (Astra Tech GmbH, Elz) are individual Abutments, CAD-designed and CAM- fabricated. The VAD® (Virtual-Abutment-Design) reduces the nature tooth geometry to an individual Abutment. This leeds to an emergence profile which supports the gingiva like the lost tooth. It is possible to produce the Abutments in Zirconia, Titanium and in Titanium gold hue.
Parole chiave: CAD/CAM abutments, emergence profile, individual abutments