Poster 745, Lingua: InglesePrashanti, EachempatiStatement of purpose: The aim of the present study was to compare the condylar guidance angulations obtained from protrusive records, orthopantomographic tracings and 3- dimensional computed tomographic angulations in edentulous patients.
Materials and Methods: Thirty edentulous patients were selected according to the set inclusion criteria. Protrusive records were made using polyether bite registration paste.(group 1). An OPG (group 2) and 3-D CBCT tracings (group 3) were done for each patient. Angulation was measured using the guidelines given by Ilan gilboa et al. The values obtained in the three groups were tabulated and compared using Kruskul-Wallis test, Wilcoxon signed rank sum test and Mann-Whitney 'U' test.
Results: The mean values obtained in group 1 were 34.3625 and 35.6625 on the right and left sides respectively. Group 2 showed mean values of 32 and 33.3 whereas group 3 showed mean values of 36 and 37 on the right and left sides respectively. P value was 0.302 on the right side and 0.191 on the left side which were not significant. Comparison of the right and left side values to each other showed no significance statistically. (p 0.01)
Conclusion: Within the limitations of this pilot study OPG and Protrusive records are both reliable guides for recording condylar guidance inclinations
Clinical implication: Interocclusal records for recording the condylar guidance in edentulous patients has many in-accuracies incorporated (upto 30 degrees) due to resiliency of the tissues . Ortho pantomogram may be used to as a reliable guide in setting the condylar guidance in semi-adjustable articulators.
Parole chiave: Condylar guidance, Protrusive records, Conebeam CT, Orthopantomograph, Condylar angulation, Programming articulator