SupplementoPoster 793, Lingua: IngleseÖzkan, Yaşar / Vanlıoğlu, Burçin / Özkan, Yasemin KulakObjectives: The reconstruction of dentoalveolar defects has been a challenge for surgeons. Extensive loss of bone and teeth presents a complex problem for reconstruction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical and radiographic outcome of early loaded Camlog implants placed in atrophied partially edentulous jaws reconstructed with autogenous onlay bone grafts taken from the mandibular symphis or ramus.
Material and methods: A total of 21 Camlog implants (Camlog Biotechnologies, Basel, Switzerland) in 19 patients were installed in the grafted areas were evaluated. The implants were placed after major vertical or horizontal bone augmentation (or both). After osseointegration, patients were treated with implant supported fixed partial dentures. The patients were recalled for 5 years period.
Results: The implants were in function and clinically stable when tested individually; the periimplant soft tissues were clinically healthy. Periimplant marginal bone loss was in clinically acceptable levels (0.32 mm at 5 years) and the patients were satisfied with the prosthetic outcome. The clinical results reported here has shown several procedures may be necessary for the rehabilitation of the patients with extensive bone loss.
Conclusions: Augmentation of the alveolar bone with an onlay bone grafts provides the desired gain of bone, allows for the ideal placement of dental implants, and improves any discrepancy between the upper and lower arches. As a result early loading of Camlog implants in augmented bone reveals satisfactory results.
Parole chiave: implant, advanced surgery