SupplementoPoster 924, Lingua: IngleseOkumura, YokoAims: We infuse fentanyl at 1µg/kg/h and propofol to maintain moderate sedation at OAA/S Score 2 -3 for minor but relatively long and invasive oral surgeries. However, details regarding the intra- and postoperative process using this sedation method are unknown. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the usefulness of this method in intraoperative pain control, postanesthetic recovery, and occurrence of side effects in this retrospective study.
Methods: Anesthesia records from 75 patients were included in this study, and intraoperative respiratory and circulatory changes were investigated. The frequency of body movement, complaint of pain, and rescue dose of local anesthetic were evaluated in each patient. Results of the postanesthetic recovery process, which had already been evaluated by Post Anesthesia Discharge Scoring System1), were used.
Results: Intraoperative respiration and circulation were stable. The median (maximum, minimum) value of the duration of body movement, complaint of pain, rescue dose of the local anesthetic, and dosage of postoperative analgesics were 0 (6, 0), 0 (4, 0), 0 (7, 0), 1 (3, 0) times per patient. The median postanesthetic recovery time was 30 (120, 15) min. The incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting was 2.8%.
Conclusion: Sedation by propofol with low-dose infusion of fentanyl is useful for intra- and postoperative pain-control, leads to prompt recovery, and has few side effects after relatively long and invasive minor oral surgeries.
1) Yamada M, et al: Aichi Gakuin J. Dent. Sci, 37(3): 551-560, 1999
Parole chiave: infusion of fentanyl, propofol sedation, minor oral surgeries