SupplementoPoster 949, Lingua: IngleseAzevedo, João Pedro / Benzinho, Álvaro / Alves, GilClinical CaseClinical case description: 41 year old male patient with no relevant clinical history, arrrived to the office presenting an apparent skeletal class III. After the clinical exam with correct mandibule manipulation, the patient reached a class I edge-to-edge occlusion. The treatment was started by using na occlusal splint in centric, to do a neuromuscular deprogramming for 12 months. After that time, an articulator montage and cephalometric study was done. The patient was then informed the duration of the treatment. Initially he would only wear braces in the upper jaw and then in the lower jaw. He was equaly informed that, dispite this treatment, he could still need na ortognatic surgery.
Discussion: The Class III malocclusion is characterized by an inadequate anteror and posterior dental relationship, which may or may not be accompanied by skeletal changes. In general, the facial aspect is very committed, especially when associated with disability in the middle third. The diagnosis and treatment plan in malocclusion Class III of Angle should be performed judiciously. The patient must always be informed of the duration of the treatment plan, and with still the possibility of needing orthognathic surgery after treatment, depending on the progression of the case.
Conclusion: The resulting treatment was satisfactory, both functionally and aesthetically. The unwinding of crossbite was possible. The midline alignment with stable occlusion was possible and the patient features good symmetry and adequate exposure of the upper incisors.
Parole chiave: Class III angle, malocclusion, teeth, crossbite, jaw, surgery