SupplementoPoster 1050, Lingua: IngleseÖzkan, Yasemin Kulak / Kahramanoğlu, Erkut / Aslan, Y. Umut / Özkan, YaşarObjecives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of short implants (9mm) in posterior maxilla region aDer 2 years in function.
Material and Methods: This study included 15 patients treated with 42 Conelog® Screw Line (Camlog® Implant System, Camlog, Wimsheim, Germany) implants supporting 57 fixed prosthesis in posterior maxilla region. Sixteen implants were placed with sinus augmentation and 26 short implants were placed without any augmentation procedures. The stability values recorded by RFA were taken at surgery and at healing caps application appointment. Implants were loaded after four months. Marginal bone loss, stability, gingival index, bleeding index, and plaque index were evaluated. Repeated-measurement ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test, Wilcoxon signed rank test and paired samples test were used for statistical analysis.
Results: All implants were evaluated clinically and radiographically after 6, 12 and 24 months of prosthetic insertion. The success rate of implants after one year was 100%. At the recall examinations, all implants were successfully integrated, demonstrating healthy peri-implant soft tissues as documented by standard clinical parameters. The effect of stability in augmentation, diameter and length of the implant were statistically not significant (p>0,05). Mean marginal bone loss was 0,21±0,36 mm mesially and 0,26±0,41 mm distally after 24 months. Soft tissues were clinically healthy. Clinical outcomes for gingival index, bleeding index and sulcus probing depth increased slightly.
Conclusions: As a result, short implants are successful treatment options as long implants which were placed with or without sinus augmentation procedure.
Parole chiave: Short implant, sinus augmentation, clinical and radiographic outcome