SupplementoPoster 1161, Lingua: IngleseRodrigues, Pedro Miguel da Silva / Almeida, R. / Barroso, B. / Simões, C. / Lopes, A.Introduction: Edentulism is defined as the absence of permanente teeth. It is the consequence of a multifactorial process envolving biological and non biological processes. Edentulism can be considered as an worldwind health issue and it has been associated with a negative effect in general health and quality of life.
Objectives: To study the prevalence of maxillary and/or mandible edentulism of the patients who seek I.S.C.S.E.M.'s oral diagnosis consultation.
Materials and Methods: Observational and epidemiologic study. 1000 patients records from the diagnosis consultation performed between January and April2017 were analyzed. Inclusion criteria: total edentulism in, at least, one dental arch. The cases were grouped into 3 classes: 1) Total Edentulism; 2) Total Upper Edentulism; 3) Total Lower Edentulism. Frequency tables were constructed according to: sex and age.
Results: 57 cases of were identified.
Discussion: Total maxillary and/or mandible edentulism was fless frequebt than in other literature sources. The advanced mean age observed in total edentulous patients in this study is consistent with the references searches, and confirms that the higher statistical frequency of total edentulism occurs in geriatric patients, ages ranging from 61 to 80 years old.
Conclusions: Then statistical frequency of total upper and/or lower edentulism was low. Total edentulism and total upper edentulism were more frequently found in female patients. Total upper edentulism in male patients was more frequent in older patients. Clinical implications: Total edentulous patients need complex rehabilitative treatments. The therapeutical alternatives range from removable options to implant based treatments.
Parole chiave: Total edentulism, epidemiology, diagnosis, sex, age