Poster 2282, Lingua: IngleseFirdoose, NyerObservational Clinical StudyThe coronoid process is a variably-shaped beak-like projection at the antero-superior aspect of the ramus. The entire border of the coronoid along with the medial surface provides attachment for the temporalis muscle. Previous studies have shown that the size and shape of the coronoid are correlated to the biteforce required by an individual and is dependent upon the mechanical force acting upon it during development. However, little is known about the developmental program leading to the specification of this process. The authors in this poster aim to present a unique discovery of 'Coronoid foramina' in a clinical series of 48 patients, including a pediatric variant which has never been seen or documented in the literature so far.
Parole chiave: Coronoid foramina, bilateral variant, unilateral variant, accessory coronoid variant