Purpose: In a cross-sectional population-based study of 888 5-year-old preschoolers from Teresina, Brazil, to determine the prevalence and factors associated with erosive tooth wear (ETW).
Materials and Methods: In a questionnaire, parents provided information on sociodemographic factors, their children’s eating/drinking habits, and oral health. Dental examination was performed at the schools by two calibrated examiners for the diagnosis of ETW, following the criteria of the modified O’Brien Index.
Results: The prevalence of ETW was 3.3%. The maxillary incisors were the most highly affected teeth, followed by the mandibular and maxillary molars. The majority of the lesions reached only the enamel (72.1%) and up to 1/3 of the dental surface (63.1%). The occlusal surface was the most affected (47.8%). Preschoolers who had an acidic food-consumption profile had a 2.74 times (95% CI = 1.03–7.30) higher chance of having ETW than children without this profile.
Conclusion: The prevalence of erosive tooth wear on the deciduous teeth was low and associated with the consumption of acidic beverages.
Parole chiave: child, preschool, prevalence, tooth erosion