Smile reconstruction is achieved using rigorous and detailed methodologies that are technically demanding and both time and cost intensive. These methodologies do not include the patient during the primary conception phase. New digital technologies using augmented reality (AR) offer the option of immediate diagnosis and pre-visualization of the potential outcome before the start of treatment. A 22-year-old patient with a congenitally missing maxillary right canine, peg-shaped maxillary lateral incisors, and multiple visible diastemas required an esthetic rehabilitation. An AR virtual mock-up using specialized software was used to preview and modify the restoration proposal in real time. Using the novel ‘CAD-link’ workflow, the final AR proposal could be imported into CAD software and transformed into a digital wax-up with the new virtual wax copy function. After a minimally invasive preparation, the final veneer reconstructions were precisely planned according to the previously developed design proposal and bonded according to the well-known adhesive protocol. The workflow described in this article links AR with CAD/CAM technology and is expected to be time and cost efficient. This patient-centered approach involves the patient from the very beginning and is therefore an excellent communication tool between the patient and the restorative team.
Parole chiave: augmented reality, virtual reality, CAD/CAM, CAD-link, esthetics, smile design, patient communication, dynamic planning, diagnostics