Objectives: Recent data show that teeth prepared with horizontal finishing lines supporting crowns and fixed partial dentures present more periodontal disorders than untreated control teeth. Several studies have shown that NitrAdine (bonyf) induces a significant reduction of dental biofilm. The aim of this study was to demonstrate that 10-day use of PerioTabs (bonyf), a NitrAdine-based gingiva brushing solution, is effective in treating gingival inflammation of prosthodontic patients. Method and materials: Forty-nine subjects were instructed to brush their teeth, gingivae, and prostheses with the PerioTabs solution for 10 days (treatment group) and 49 with any toothpaste (control group). The initial and 11-day Plaque Index and Bleeding Index were recorded. A five-point Likert scale was used to evaluate the level of patient satisfaction. The Shapiro-Wilk statistical test was used to compare the results for the two groups.
Results: Highly significant differences between the treatment and control group (P < .001) for the Plaque Index and Bleeding Index resulted. The treatment group patients’ satisfaction was high: 31 (63.3%) reported the highest level, 5, on the Likert scale, and 18 (36.7%) declared they were satisfied (level 4).
Conclusions: The use of a NitrAdine-based gingiva brushing solution (PerioTabs) was effective in reducing the gingival inflammation in periodontally affected patients treated with fixed partial dentures. Clinical relevance: The NitrAdine-based gingiva brushing solution (PerioTabs) was highly accepted by the patients and seems to be a promising alternative to the solutions widely used.
Parole chiave: Bleeding Index, fixed prostheses, inflammation, NitrAdine, periodontal disease, periodontitis, PerioTabs, Plaque Index