The importance of the interdental anatomy of a class-2 direct composite restoration is one of the most underestimated topics in direct posterior composite restorations. The proximal emergence profile of the restoration and the contact area should be designed to maximize arch continuity and to minimize food impaction. Other restorative criteria that must be fulfilled are marginal adaptation compatible with the dental and periodontal integrity, and geometry of the marginal ridge compatible with the mechanical integrity of the restoration under load. Shortcomings will result in masticatory discomfort, caries, periodontal problems and undesired movement of teeth. In vitro and in vivo studies showed that the use a contoured sectional metal matrix band with a separation clamp results in the tightest contact point. However, this matrix system also has shortcomings and does not give the expected result in all class-2 cavities. The variation in depth, width of the box, distance between the cervical cavity margin and the adjacent tooth requires customization of the interproximal space. In order to realize this, sectional matrix bands with several profiles of curvature, variation of wedges and separation clamps, and the use of teflon tape are required. In addition, dentists should follow a protocol allowing them to build a proximal composite surface that fulfills the required restorative criteria. Pre-wedging, space evaluation, interproximal clearance, correct selection, positioning and stabilization of the matrix band are important steps in this protocol.
Parole chiave: class-2, composite resin restoration, matrix system, proximal contact point, proximal emergence profile