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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy

Karl H. Wesker


Karl H. Wesker is an artist and an illustrator. He has worked for many years on the visualization and didactic presentation of complex structures. He has developed new methods that produce highly detailed and yet esthetically fascinating images of human anatomy. These methods form the foundation of the three-volume atlas of anatomy Prometheus, which is being published by Thieme and for which he has created most of the illustrations.

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5 Prodotto trovato

Sebastian Cotofana / Karl H. Wesker / Bernard C. Kolster

Schichtatlas der Gesichtsanatomie

1st Edition 2025
Hardcover; 24 x 30 cm, 316 pagine, 250 Foto
Lingua: Tedesco
Categorie: Dermatologia, Cirugía plástica, Chirurgia orale e maxillo-facciale, Medicina ENT
ISBN 978-3-86867-716-4
KVM Verlag

Ralf J. Radlanski / Karl H. Wesker

The Face

Pictorial Atlas of Clinical Anatomy

2nd revised Edition 2015
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 368 pagine, 380 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categoria: Anatomia
ISBN 978-1-85097-290-7
KVM Verlag

Ralf J. Radlanski / Karl H. Wesker

The Face

Pictorial Atlas of Clinical Anatomy

2nd revised Edition 2015
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 368 pagine, 380 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categorie: Anatomia, Dermatologia, Chirurgia orale e maxillo-facciale
ISBN 978-1-85097-289-1
QP Deutschland

Ralf J. Radlanski / Karl H. Wesker

Das Gesicht

Bildatlas klinische Anatomie

2., überarbeitete Auflage 2012
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 360 pagine, 380 Foto
Lingua: Tedesco
Categoria: Anatomia
ISBN 978-3-940698-91-9
KVM Verlag

Ralf J. Radlanski / Karl H. Wesker

Das Gesicht

Bildatlas klinische Anatomie

2., überarbeitete Auflage 2012
Hardcover, 360 pagine, 380 Foto
Lingua: Tedesco
Categorie: Medicina generale, Anatomia, Odontoiatria in generale, Letteratura per lo studio
ISBN 978-3-86867-127-8
QP Deutschland

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