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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy

Dr. Svenja-Katharina Bahte

Dr Svenja-Katharina Bahte, Specialist Physician at the Department of Nephrology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.

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2 Prodotto trovato

Matthias Aust / Svenja-Katharina Bahte / Desmond Fernandes

Illustrated Guide to Percutaneous Collagen Induction

Basics | Indications | Uses

Collana: Aesthetic Methods for Skin Rejuvenation
1st Edition 2013
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 224 pagine, 434 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categoria: Dermatologia
ISBN 978-1-85097-253-2
KVM Verlag

Matthias Aust / Svenja-Katharina Bahte / Desmond Fernandes

Bildatlas der perkutanen Kollageninduktion

Grundlagen | Indikationen | Anwendung

1. Auflage 2013
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 220 pagine, 430 Foto
Lingua: Tedesco
Categoria: Dermatologia
ISBN 978-3-940698-85-8
KVM Verlag