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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy

5 Autori/Relatori


Dr. Douglas Benting DDS, MS

Stati Uniti d'America, Phoenix

Dr. Benting has developed content for Spear Digest and for several Spear Study Club modules. He developed, and continues to present, the Restoring the Edentulous Arch workshop with fellow Resident Faculty member Dr. Darin Dichter. Dr. Benting maintains a prosthodontic referral practice in Phoenix. He is a past president of the Arizona section of the American College of Prosthodontists and currently serves on the ACP Board of Directors. He served as an adjunct faculty member in the prosthodontic clinic at the Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health and at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. Dr. Benting earned a B.S. from University of South Dakota in 1994, D.D.S. from University of Minnesota in 1999 and certificate in prosthodontics with a Master of Science in 2002, also from Minnesota. He is also a diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics and a fellow of the ACP.

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Dr. Brooke Blicher DMD, BA

Stati Uniti d'America, White River Junction

Dr. Blicher joined Upper Valley Endodontics in 2009. She grew up in Florida and New Jersey, but was introduced to New England by her husband Gered, a native of northern Vermont. Dr. Blicher continues to teach at both Harvard and Tufts dental schools, and is on dental staff at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical center. An active researcher, Dr. Blicher has several publications in major dental journals, and most recently co-authored the textbook Endodontics Review: A Study Guide. Dr. Blicher completed the process of board certification in 2013, and is a diplomate in the American Board of Endodontics. She is a member of the American College of Dentists. Dr. Blicher is a co-founder of Pulp Nonfiction, an educational collaborative dedicated to the practical application of evidence-based endodontics techniques. She is active in organized dentistry both locally on the board of the  Grafton-Sullivan Dental Society, and on a national level with the  American Association of Endodontists. Dr. Blicher enjoys the full breadth of endodontic care, and she is  particularly interested in the diagnosis of painful conditions and  dental resorption, an area that she and Dr. Lucier have published on extensively.  She is adept in the management of  patient anxiety and  underlying medical complexities. In her spare time, Dr. Blicher is an avid runner, hiker and skier. She lives in Norwich with her husband, two children, and their basset hound, Milton


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Professore Andrea Enrico Borgonovo

Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia
Specializzazione in Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale
Professore a contratto, Università degli Studi di Milano
Visiting Professor, Università Cattolica di Murcia (UCAM)
Abilitazione Nazionale per Professore di II fascia
Socio Attivo dell’Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO)
Responsabile di Chirurgia ed Implantologia del Reparto Universitario di Estetica Dentale (diretto dal Prof. D. Re) presso l’Istituto Stomatologico Italiano, Milano
Autore del volume ‘Chirurgia dei terzi molari. La semplificazione di un percorso difficile’ edito da Quintessence Publishing Italia (Quintessenza Edizioni) nel 2020

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Charles J. Burstone †

Charles J. Burstone, DDS, MS (1928 - 2015), was a pioneer in his field, introducing biomechanical concepts to clinical orthodontics by formulating the segmented arch technique. He was responsible of developing robust orthodontics departments at Indiana University and later at the University of Connecticut, which both became internationally known for their research and for the quality of their graduates, many of whom went on to become outstanding clinicians and teachers throughout the world. Always an innovator, Dr Burstone was an early developer of interactive computer programs for diagnosis and treatment planning, a codeveloper of new wires using titanium-molybdenum alloy (TMA) and Chinese nickel titanium (NiTi) alloy, and the lead researcher in the development of long-fiber-reinforced composites in appliance design. He held various patents related to his work. As an active member of numerous dental societies and organizations, Dr Burstone was the recipient of many distinguished awards and honors. He published many books and chapters as well more than 200 articles in refereed journals. Dr Burstone was professor emeritus of the Division of Orthodontics at the University of Connecticut, where he donated much of his time and energy until his passing in February 2015.

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