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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy

4 Autori/Relatori


Dr. Florin Cofar DDS

Romania, Timisoara

Dr. Florin Cofar co-founded Smilecloud, a smile-design and centralized collaboration platform. He specializes in complex esthetic rehabilitation and minimally invasive procedures. He received his education from Victor Babes University in Timisoara with specialization at NYU University of Dentistry and Harvard Business School.

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Dr. Luca Cordaro MD, DDS, PhD

Italia, Rome

Dr. Luca Cordaro is chair of the Department of Periodontology and Prosthodontics at the Eastman Dental Hospital in Rome. He graduated in Medicine at the University of Roma "La Sapienza" where he also got a degree in Dentistry. He holds a Ph.D. degree and is a certified specialist in oral surgery. He also works, together with his brother, in a private practice founded in 1957 by his father. Dr Cordaro is author or co- author of more than 70 papers published in italian or international journals and has lectured in Europe, Asia, North and South America. In 2007 he won the H. Goldman Prize for Clinical Research of the Italian Society of Periodontology. He is author of different book chapters and coauthor of the books "The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry" and ITI Treatment Guide 7 published by Quintessence Publishing. He is active member of the Italian Society of Osseointegration and Fellow of the ITI (International Team for Implantology). In the ITI he serves as member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Study Club Committee and Chairrman for the Italian Section. He has been elected in the EAO Board in 2010 and serves as Chair of the Congress committee and Secretary General. His professional interests are Periodontology, Implantology and Oral surgery with a special interest regarding the reconstructive treament of alveolar atrophies.


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David Craig

David Craig—Consultant, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Head of Sedation & Special Care Dentistry at Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, King's College London Dental Institute and Visiting Professor at the University of Portsmouth. David has over 30 years' experience teaching conscious sedation techniques to undergraduate students, dental and medical practitioners and has served on dental and multidisciplinary groups preparing guidelines for safe sedation practice.

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