Pagine 212-213, Lingua: InglesePallasch, Thomas J.Pagine 217-225, Lingua: IngleseFradeaniThis study reports on 6 years' experience with IPS Empress laminate veneers. A total of 83 anterior veneers were positioned in 21 patients from January 1991 to December 1996 in the author's private practice. Final evaluation was ca rried out in May and June 1997. Color match, marginal discoloration, recurrent caries, contour, and marginal integrity were evaluated using the modified U.S. Public Health Service criteria at baseline and subsequent recall appointments. On the basis of the criteria used, a large percentage of veneers were rated Alfa. Only one failure was recorded, resulting in a success rate of 98.8%. A thorough description of clinical procedures and laboratory techniques through which anterior teeth can be successfully treated with ceramic veneers is supplied. A clinical case is prsented to demonstrate the satisfactory esthetic results obtained using this very conservative restorative technique.
Pagine 227-239, Lingua: IngleseMcAllister / Margolin / Cogan / Taylor / WollinsSinus grafting procedures are a viable means of ensuring adequate bone for the placement of dental implants in the posterior maxilla. In the quest to improve predictability and accelerate the time line toward receiving a final prosthesis, researchers have turned to recombinant human proteins like osteogenic protein-1 for the potential to therapeutically enhance bone formation. Bilateral sinus augmentations were performed in 15 adult chimpanzees to evaluate treatment with different doses of the osteogenic protein-1 device or natural bone mineral (Bio-Oss). Methods of evaluation included soft tissue healing, radiography (computed tomographic scan), histology, residual l ateral wall defect surface area at 7.5 months, and the extent of soft tissue encleftation at 7.5 months. Findings revealed radiographic and histologic evidence of bone formation with all treatment groups and a statistically significant reduction in the depth of soft tissue encleftation and the residual lateral wall defect surfa ce area for both the Bio-Oss and the 2.5-mg osteogenic protein-1 per gram collagen matrix treatments when compared to collagen matrix alone. These results suggest that Bio-Oss and the 2.5-mg osteogenic protein-1 per gram collagen matrix effectively stimulate bone formation in the maxillary sinus.
Pagine 241-247, Lingua: IngleseWeitz / Mukamal / JurimExtraction of maxillary and mandibular first molars frequently results in tipping of the terminal molars. Ideal treatment involves uprighting the inclined teeth prior to restoration. If a single-tooth implant restoration will be used to replace the missing molar, it can also be used as anchorage to upright the tipped or drifted teeth. Careful planning is necessary to make sure the implant is positioned properly for an ideal final result
Pagine 249-255, Lingua: IngleseRosen / Reynolds / BowersThis article describes a novel technique in which Atrisorb (Atrix Laboratories) is applied in situ as a barrier over a demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft on roots treated with citric acid. Follow-up reentry at 4.5 months demonstrated the effectiveness of this procedure. A rationale for in situ barrier application is presented.
Pagine 257-265, Lingua: IngleseHou / Chen / Tsai / WeisgoldThis study presents a new classification of molar furcation involvement based on the root trunk and horizontal and vertical attachments, and relates them to guidelines in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of molar furcation involvements. The types of root trunk were classified on the basis of the ratio of vertical dimension of root trunk to root length as types A, B, and C. Based on th e results of this study, the authors conclude that consideration of the root trunk type as well as the horizontal and vertical attachment loss in the classification of molar furcation involvements may facilitate prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment planning.
Pagine 267-275, Lingua: IngleseParodi / Carusi / Santarelli / NanniThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the possibility of expanding an edentulous ridge spanning two or more teeth by a two-step technique with bioresorbable collagen membranes. Sixteen healthy patients were treated, four in the mandible and 12 in the maxilla. The borderline of the crest width was less than or equal to 4 mm. In each patient only one ridge augmentation was performed. After elevation of a full-thickness flap, a surgical stent was positioned to identify the area of ideal implant positioning. The width of the crest at the location of the surgical stent was measured at the time of GBR procedure and 7 to 12 months later during implant insertion. Native collagen sponges were placed buccally and lingually, and a collagen membrane was shaped and trimmed to completely cover the edentulous ridge. The flaps were sutured to achieve primary closure. Antibiotic and clorhexidine mouthrinse were prescribed, and the patients were recalld every 2 weeks. At implant placement, the mean increase in the size of the crest was 2.49 mm (± 1.61 mm). In 12 out of 16 patients (75%) it was possible to insert 27 implants according to the prosthetic need established previously. All implants were successfully loaded, and in the foru cases where no aprpeciable results were obtained, no clinical complciations or loss of hard and soft tissue were observed.
Pagine 277-285, Lingua: IngleseBecker / Kaiser / KaldahlThis article presents a review of the evolution of the temporary splint leading up to the rpesent-day acid-etched composite, wire-reinforced, internal splint called the A-splint. Nine general uses for the A-splint in the modern dental practice and some common problems are presente
Pagine 287-291, Lingua: IngleseGoldsteinA patient presented with two osseointegrated implants placed in a ridge deformity that had resulted from a traumatic injury during an automobile accident. The implant placement and subsequent restorative dentistry resulted in a poor esthetic result and difficult maintenance. Treatment included multiple soft tissue grafts to submerge the implants and augment the ridge. The patient was then restored with a conventional fixed partial denture.
Pagine 293-298, Lingua: IngleseMakridis / Mellado / Freedman / Salkin / Stein / Leal / MillerAll oral squamous cell carcinomas were retriebed from the files of Temple University's Oral Pathology Laboratory from 1967 through 1994 for a clinicopathologic study of those occurring on the gingiva. A total of 1,193 cases had sufficient data for tabulation and statistical analysis, of which 300 (25%) arose on the gingiva or alveolar ridge. The largest number of these cases (211/300) occurred on the mandibular gingiva or alveolar ridge. The mean age of the patients was 66.66 years, with males accounting for 57% of cases. Many case comparison analyses of oral squamous cell carcinomas do not separate oral subsites or specifically address carcinoma of the gingiva. The results were compared with other published series and suggest that furtehr studies are needed because of the wide range of reported figures on the incidence of gingival squamous cell carcinomas.