PubMed ID (PMID): 22254218Pagine 7-8, Lingua: IngleseFugazzotto, PaulPubMed ID (PMID): 22254219Pagine 11-20, Lingua: IngleseFroum, Stuart J. / Froum, Scott H. / Rosen, Paul S.The results of a case series of 51 consecutively treated, peri-implantitis-affected implants in 38 patients with follow-up measurements from 3 to 7.5 years are presented. Each implant displayed bleeding on probing, probing depths >= 6 mm, and bone loss >= 4 mm prior to surgery. A successful regenerative approach including surface decontamination, use of enamel matrix derivative, a combination of platelet-derived growth factor with anorganic bovine bone or mineralized freeze-dried bone, and coverage with a collagen membrane or a subepithelial connective tissue graft was employed in all cases. Patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 included patients in which the greatest defect depth was visible on radiographs; group 2 included patients in which the greatest loss of bone was on the facial or oral aspect of the implant. Bone level changes in patients in group 2 were determined by probe sounding under local anesthesia. Probing depth reductions at 3 to 7.5 years of followup were 5.4 and 5.1 mm in groups 1 and 2, respectively. Concomitant bone level gain was 3.75 mm in group 1 and 3.0 mm in group 2. No implant in either group lost bone throughout the duration of the study. The results to date with this regenerative approach for the treatment of peri-implantitis appear to be encouraging.
PubMed ID (PMID): 22254220Pagine 23-27, Lingua: InglesePini-Prato, Giovan Paolo / Cozzani, Giuseppe / Magnani, Cristina / Baccetti, TizianoThis case report describes the healing of gingival recessions on mandibular incisors resulting from orthodontic treatment of a deep bite malocclusion at a 30-year follow-up observation. The marked improvement in the severe recessions was a consequence of the elimination of the direct trauma, orthodontic intrusion of the affected teeth, and subsequent creeping attachment over time. No periodontal treatment was performed before or after orthodontic treatment.
PubMed ID (PMID): 22254223Pagine 29-37, Lingua: IngleseCrespi, Roberto / Capparè, Paolo / Gherlone, Enrico / Romanos, GeorgeThe aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the 24-month clinical outcomes of immediate provisionalization of dental implants placed in fresh extraction sockets using a flapless technique. Fifteen patients were included under strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. All patients required one or two teeth to be extracted for lesions with a hopeless prognosis in the maxillary monoradicular or first premolar region. Twenty implants were placed immediately after tooth extraction, and immediate provisionalization was performed. Sixteen implants had a diameter of 5 mm, and four implants had a diameter of 3.80 mm, all with a 13-mm length. After 24 months of follow-up, a cumulative survival rate of 100% was reported for all implants. Modified Bleeding Index (mBI), modified Plaque Index (mPI), probing depth (PD), marginal gingiva level (MGL), and keratinized mucosa (KM) remained stable for up to 24 months. Mean MGL at 24 months was 0.22 ± 0.15 mm; no significant changes occurred in MGL between baseline and 24 months. Mean KM remained stable from baseline to 24 months. At 24 months, a mean bone loss of 0.83 ± 0.52 mm was measured. The results of this study indicate that flapless surgery for immediately provisionalized implants placed in fresh extraction sockets provides soft tissue and marginal bone maintenance for up to 24 months of follow-up.
PubMed ID (PMID): 22254224Pagine 39-47, Lingua: IngleseLevine, Robert A. / Sendi, Pedram / Bornstein, Michael M.The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival and success rates of immediately restored implants with sandblasted, large-grit, acid-etched (SLA) surfaces over a period of 5 years. Twenty patients (mean age, 47.3 years) received a total of 21 SLA wide-neck implants in healed mandibular first molar sites after initial periodontal treatment. To be included in the study, the implants had to demonstrate primary stability with an insertion torque value of 35 Ncm. A provisional restoration was fabricated chairside and placed on the day of surgery. Definitive cemented restorations were inserted 8 weeks after surgery. Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN) indices and the radiographic distance between the implant shoulder and the first visible boneimplant contact (DIB) were measured and compared over the study period. The initial mean CPITN was 3.24, and decreased over the study period to 1.43. At the postoperative radiographic examination, the mean DIB was 1.41 mm for the 21 implants, indicating that part of the machined neck of the implants was placed slightly below the osseous crest. The mean DIB value increased to 1.99 mm at the 5-year examination. This increase proved to be statistically significant (P .0001). Between the baseline and 5-year examinations, the mean bone crest level loss was 0.58 mm. Success and survival rates of the 21 implants after 5 years of function were 100%. This 5-year study confirms that immediate restoration of mandibular molar wide-neck implants with good primary stability, as noted by insertion torque values of at least 35 Ncm, is a safe and predictable procedure.
PubMed ID (PMID): 22254225Pagine 49-58, Lingua: IngleseGeurs, Nico C. / Romanos, Alain H. / Vassilopoulos, Philip J. / Reddy, Michael S.The aim of this study was to evaluate interdental papillary reconstruction based on a micronized acellular dermal matrix allograft technique. Thirty-eight papillae in 12 patients with esthetic complaints of insuffi cient papillae were evaluated. Decreased gingival recession values were found postoperatively (P .001). Chi-square analysis showed signifi cantly higher postoperative Papilla Index values (chi-square = 43, P .001), further supported by positive symmetry statistical analysis values (positive kappa and weighted kappa values). This procedure shows promise as a method for papillary reconstruction.
PubMed ID (PMID): 22254226Pagine 61-67, Lingua: IngleseKao, Daniel W. K. / Kubota, Atsushi / Nevins, Myron / Fiorellini, Joseph P.Sinus augmentation with various bone graft materials may be required in the posterior maxilla. This study compared bone formation in a lateral window sinus augmentation with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2/ acellular collagen sponge (rhBMP-2/ACS) combined with Bio-Oss or Bio-Oss graft alone. Patients were assigned to treatment with either rhBMP-2/ACS + Bio-Oss or Bio-Oss alone. After a healing period, bone cores were harvested. Histologic specimens demonstrated that new bone formation was less in those who received rhBMP-2/ACS + Bio-Oss than those with Bio-Oss alone. This study indicated that the addition of rhBMP-2/ACS to Bio-Oss has a negative effect on bone formation.
PubMed ID (PMID): 22254227Pagine 69-78, Lingua: IngleseGobbato, Luca / Tsukiyama, Teppei / Levi jr., Paul A. / Griffin, Terrence J. / Weisgold, Arnold S.The purpose of this study was to objectively define and quantify triangular, square, and square/tapered maxillary central incisors. In this study, the shape of maxillary central incisor crowns was investigated in 100 healthy individuals. The results showed that when the contact surface/crown length ratio is less than 43%, the tooth is triangular in shape; when the ratio is more than 57%, the tooth is square in shape; and when the ratio is between 43% and 57%, the tooth is defined as square/tapered. Since it has been shown that the morphologic characteristics of the gingiva and periodontium are partly related to the shape of the teeth, a means of truly defining the shapes of the incisors is now available. This is significant in predicting esthetics, bone volume, and susceptibility to recession, pocketing in the natural dentition, and ridge shrinkage for prosthetic tooth replacement.
PubMed ID (PMID): 22254228Pagine 81-90, Lingua: IngleseBraga, Giovanni / Bocchieri, AnnaOrthodontic extrusion (OE), which is performed in many different clinical situations to move a tooth or its periodontal tissues coronally, is often associated with supracrestal fiberotomy and root planing (OEFRP) or followed by surgical crown lengthening. The OEFRP procedure must be carried out every 2 weeks during the entire extrusive orthodontic phase, and precise control of the technique itself can be quite difficult, especially when this approach is to be performed on a limited portion of the root perimeter in teeth affected by angular defects. The aim of this study was to show a new nonsurgical crownlengthening technique, performed shortly after the completion of OE, to simultaneously achieve proper hard and soft tissue architecture. Three different illustrative situations (periodontal pocket, root fracture, and root perforation) are described.
PubMed ID (PMID): 22254221Pagine 93-100, Lingua: InglesePerez, Fabiano / Segalla, José Cláudio Martins / Marcantonio, Jr, Élcio / Lauris, José Roberto Pereira / Ribeiro, Joao Gustavo Rabelo / Ferreira, Luciano Pedrin CarvalhoThis study compared the dimensions of gingival papillae in anterosuperior areas presenting at natural teeth (teeth sites) or single-tooth implants adjacent to natural teeth (implant-tooth sites) by analyzing determined distances. A total of 45 teeth and 46 implant-tooth sites were carefully selected. Clinical evaluation consisted of visual and quantitative analyses with millimeter grids on radiographs. Implant-tooth sites showed a smaller gingival papilla dimension than tooth sites (P .01). Both evaluated distances (contact point to bone crest and between the roots of adjacent teeth or implant platform to root of adjacent tooth) in all groups significantly influenced the presence/absence of gingival papillae (P .01).
PubMed ID (PMID): 22254229Pagine 103-109, Lingua: IngleseAgrawal, Amit A. / Yeltiwar, Ramreddy K.Cleft lips, alveoli, and palates are the most common congenital malformations of the head and neck region, all of which often can be managed successfully when presented at a young age. It is a common belief that clefts in the alveolar ridge should be treated with the help of bone grafting materials. This could be the best option when the cleft is to be treated in early age, when the patient is still developing and has high regenerative potential. However, in adults, the literature supports the fact that bone grafting in alveolar clefts has a higher chance for failure. The present case report exemplifies a periodontal plastic surgical procedure involving a combination of connective tissue and free gingival grafting to restore the form and function of a cleft alveolar ridge in an adult patient.
Solo onlinePubMed ID (PMID): 22254222Pagine 21, Lingua: IngleseAntoun, Hadi / Belmon, Patrick / Cherfane, Pierre / Sitbon, Jean MaxIn this retrospective study, 44 patients received screw-retained full-arch acrylic resin provisional prostheses connected on 4 or 6 implants in the mandible or maxilla, respectively. With a mean follow-up of 17.6 months, 3 of 205 implants were lost and replaced successfully. Cosmetic fractures were shown in six patients; one abutment loosening, one abutment fracture, and one implant fracture were also observed. Prosthetic fracture was shown in one patient. Marginal bone loss reached two to five threads on 13 implants (6.4%). The results confirmed that immediate loading of 4 mandibular or 6 maxillary implants with an acrylic resin prosthesis for full-arch rehabilitation is a reliable technique in the short- and midterm.
Solo onlinePubMed ID (PMID): 22254230Pagine 59, Lingua: IngleseCordaro, Luca / di Torresanto, Vincenzo Mirisola / Torsello, FerruccioThe aim of this study was to evaluate whether the use of enamel matrix derivative (EMD) improves clinical results of the coronally advanced flap (CAF) procedure in the treatment of multiple gingival recession defects. Ten patients presenting at least two adjacent buccal gingival recession defects affecting symmetric teeth on both sides of the maxilla were included in this study. Each set of multiple recession defects was assigned randomly to the test or control group. A bilateral simultaneous CAF procedure with vertical releasing incisions, with the adjunct of EMD for test sites, was performed. Clinical measurements (recession length, keratinized tissue, probing depth, and clinical attachment level) were assessed at baseline and 6 and 24 months after surgery by a blinded examiner. At the 6-month evaluation, both treatment procedures displayed good results with significant root coverage gain (CAF, 80.7% ± 20%; CAF + EMD, 82.8% ± 14%). A similar amount of relapse was noted at the 24-month evaluation when compared with the 6-month results (CAF, 71.0% ± 22%; CAF + EMD, 74.8% ± 16%). The use of EMD does not seem to significantly improve the results of the CAF procedure for root coverage in treatment of multiple recessions.
Solo onlinePubMed ID (PMID): 22254231Pagine 79, Lingua: IngleseKolerman, Roni / Samorodnitzky-Naveh, Gili R. / Barnea, Eitan / Tal, HaimDeproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) and human freeze-dried bone allograft (FDBA) were compared in five patients undergoing bilateral maxillary sinus floor augmentation using DBBM on one side and FDBA on the contralateral side. After 9 months, core biopsy specimens were harvested. Mean newly formed bone values were 31.8% and 27.2% at FDBA and DBBM sites, respectively (P = .451); mean residual graft particle values were 21.5% and 24.2%, respectively (P = .619); and mean connective tissue values were 46.7% and 48.6%, respectively (P = .566). Within the limits of the present study, it is suggested that both graft materials are equally suitable for sinus augmentation.
Solo onlinePubMed ID (PMID): 22254232Pagine 91, Lingua: IngleseMelis, Marcello / Coiana, Carlo / Secci, SimonaThe aim of this case report is to describe the history of a patient who received an injury to the right inferior alveolar nerve after placement of a dental implant, with bruxism noted afterward. The symptoms were managed by the use of an occlusal appliance worn at night and occasionally during the day, associated with increased awareness of parafunction during the day to reduce muscle pain and fatigue. Paresthesia of the teeth, gingiva, and lower lip persisted but were reduced during appliance use.
Solo onlinePubMed ID (PMID): 22254233Pagine 101, Lingua: IngleseRocchietta, Isabella / Schupbach, Peter / Ghezzi, Carlo / Maschera, Emilio / Simion, MassimoAutogenous soft tissue augmentation procedures around natural teeth and dental implants are performed daily by clinicians. However, patient morbidity is often associated with the second surgical site; hence, research is moving toward an era where matrices may substitute autogenous grafts. The aim of this study was to assess the soft tissue response to a collagen matrix in an animal model. Nine pigs were included in this study. Each animal received four collagen matrices, two for each mandible. Three cohorts were included in the study: group A, where the matrix was applied as an onlay on a partial-thickness flap; group B, where the matrix was inserted under a partial-thickness flap; and group C, where the matrix was inserted in an inverted position under a full-thickness flap. Sacrifice occurred at 7, 15, and 30 days postoperatively for histologic assessment. The collagen matrix was seen in place for the first 2 weeks, and it was completely replaced by healthy connective tissue within 30 days in the inlay cohorts. No inflammatory adverse reactions were noticed in any specimen, resulting in optimal integration of the device. This study showed an optimal integration within 30 days postoperative of the placement of experimental collagen matrix in the soft tissues of an animal model. Its proven safety in this model provides an optimal starting point for further research projects considering its clinical applications.