PubMed ID (PMID): 26601330Pagine 599, Lingua: IngleseGreen, Martyn S.DOI: 10.11607/prd.2444, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357690Pagine 600-611, Lingua: IngleseZucchelli, Giovanni / Mazzotti, Claudio / Monaco, CarloThe aim of the present case series article was to provide a standardized approach for the early restorative phase after a crown-lengthening surgical procedure. Different advantages can be ascribed to this approach: the clinician can prepare a definitive prosthetic finishing line in the supragingival location; the early postsurgical temporization allows the conditioning of soft tissues, especially the interdental papillae, during their maximum growing phase; and the clinician can choose the time for the definitive prosthetic rehabilitation in a patient-specific manner according to the individual potential and duration of the soft tissue rebound. In this study, this standardized approach was applied to the treatment of two esthetic cases requiring crown-lengthening procedures.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2481, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357691Pagine 612-623, Lingua: IngleseUrban, Istvan A. / Monje, Alberto / Wang, Hom-LaySevere vertical ridge deficiency in the anterior maxilla represents one of the most challenging clinical scenarios in the bone regeneration arena. As such, a combination of vertical bone augmentation using various biomaterials and soft tissue manipulation is needed to obtain successful outcomes. The present case series describes a novel approach to overcome vertical deficiencies in the anterior atrophied maxillae by using a mixture of autologous and anorganic bovine bone. Soft tissue manipulation including, but not limited to, free soft tissue graft was used to overcome the drawbacks of vertical bone augmentation (eg, loss of vestibular depth and keratinized mucosa). By combining soft and hard tissue grafts, optimum esthetic and long-term implant prosthesis stability can be achieved and sustained.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2374, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357692Pagine 624-636, Lingua: IngleseParma-Benfenati, Stefano / Roncati, Marisa / Galletti, Primo / Tinti, CarloThis case series presents clinical outcomes on reentry using regenerative submerged and nonsubmerged approaches in peri-implant defects; pre- and posttreatment assessments of nine implants in six patients are presented. A mean bone fill value of 91.3% with a 4.88-mm mean bone gain was obtained. Neither approach led to additional bone loss or required additional bone augmentation procedures. Strict methods of implant surface decontamination and detoxification were used on all patients, regardless of implant surface characteristics. The regenerative procedure was effective in the treatment of moderate to advanced peri-implantitis lesions without compromising the previous fixed implant-supported prostheses. These preliminary results are reasonably encouraging in that all cases showed bone gains. Nevertheless, caution must be exercised when determining reosseointegration, because it is not possible to ascertain it in clinical practice.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.1998, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357693Pagine 638-645, Lingua: IngleseChaparro, Alejandra / De la Fuente, Miguel / Albers, Daniela / Hernandez, Denisse / Villalobos, Ana María / Gaedechens, Dominique / De la Fuente, Mateo / De la Fuente, MiguelThe objective of the present report was to study the influence of the location (maxilla versus mandible) and class (Miller classification) of gingival recessions on the total root coverage achievement using the tunnel procedure with acellular dermal matrix in adjacent single-root teeth. Twenty-four patients with 93 recessions were treated and evaluated 1 year postsurgery. Results showed 100% of root covered in 67.9% of the maxillary recessions and 52.5% in the mandible (P = .676). In cases of partial root coverage, the initial recession diminished from 4.41 mm (SD: 1.12) to 0.82 mm (SD: 0.24) in the maxilla and from 3.78 mm (SD: 1.08) to 0.78 mm (SD: 0.30) in the mandible. Root coverage of 100% was observed in 74.07% of Miller Class I recessions in comparison with 43.59% of Class II recessions (P = .003).
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2320, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357694Pagine 646-653, Lingua: IngleseSchwarz, Frank / John, Gordon / Becker, JürgenThis retrospective analysis of five reentry cases reports on the clinical defect healing after combined surgical resective/regenerative therapy of advanced peri-implantitis. A second surgery was necessary because of a clinical need for additional treatment procedures at the respective implant sites after healing periods of 8 months to 6.5 years. All patients underwent the same standardized procedure including access flap surgery, implantoplasty at bucally and supracrestally (> 1 mm) exposed implant parts, surface decontamination, and augmentation of the intrabony (Class I) components using a natural bone mineral and a native collagen membrane. Clinical defect resolution (DR) of the Class I component was evaluated. In two patients, clinical and radiographic signs suggested a reinfection (ie, case 3-mesial aspect; case 5-mesial and distal aspects). Mean DR values ± standard deviation were 59.4% ± 47.59% (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.31%-118.49%). When infected aspects were excluded, resulting values were 85.76% ± 4.86% (95% CI, 78.02%-93.50%). The presented surgical procedure was associated with a clinically important DR in advanced peri-implantitis defects.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2400, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357695Pagine 654-663, Lingua: InglesePini-Prato, Giovanpaolo / Magnani, Cristina / Zaheer, Faizan / Buti, Jacopo / Rotundo, RobertoTwo differing evaluation criteria for complete root coverage (CRC) were used to compare incidence of CRC after root coverage procedures. Clinical records of 363 patients (386 single recessions) treated between 1984 and 2012 were screened. CRC was assessed 1 year after surgery using two separate evaluation criteria: CRC1, in which the gingival margin was at or above the cementoenamel junction (CEJ), measured using a periodontal probe directly on patients by a single examiner; and CRC2, in which the gingival margin was above the CEJ, rendering it completely invisible based on a visual assessment of highmagnification digitalized images by two calibrated examiners. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. The k statistic was also calculated to test the agreement between the two examiners. Four treatment groups were identified: free gingival graft (FGG; n = 116), coronally advanced flap (CAF; n = 107), CAF + connective tissue graft (CTG; n = 131) and guided tissue regeneration (GTR; n = 32). The overall difference between the proportion of CRC1 and CRC2 was statistically significant (P .0001), as were the intragroup differences for FGG (P = .0002), CAF (P = .0009), and CTG (P = .0002). Treatment of gingival recessions should only be deemed completely successful when root coverage is associated with a gingival margin and a crevice probing depth that is coronal to the CEJ. When root coverage is regarded as complete with gingival margin located at the level of CEJ, it does not represent complete treatment success.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2239, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357696Pagine 664-675, Lingua: IngleseRasperini, Giulio / Acunzo, Raffaele / Cannalire, Paola / Farronato, GiampietroThe aim of this study was to investigate the role of periodontal biotype in the development of gingival recession in patients who have undergone orthodontic treatment. A total of 60 mandibular incisors were analyzed. The qualitative assessment of periodontal biotype was performed with the use of a new biotype probe. A strong correlation was found between thin biotype and proinclination in terms of recession depth and keratinized tissue width. Patients with thin periodontal biotype are more prone to gingival margin instability, irrespective of the type of orthodontic movements. Thin periodontal biotype and proinclination orthodontic movement were related to loss of keratinized tissue width.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2309, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357697Pagine 676-684, Lingua: IngleseCardaropoli, Daniele / Tamagnone, Lorenzo / Roffredo, Alessandro / Gaveglio, LorenaForty-eight single dental implants were inserted 4 months after tooth extraction following ridge preservation (RP; n = 24) or spontaneous healing (EXT; n = 24). During surgery, 1 (7%) of 24 implants in the RP group and 14 (58%) of 24 in the EXT group required additional bone grafting, and the implant stability quotient value was similar in the two groups. The survival rate of the implants in both groups was 100% at the 1-year follow-up. The success rate was 95.83% in the RP group and 91.66% in the EXT group. No statistically significant differences in the marginal bone level were detected between the two groups. Similar outcomes of implants inserted in preserved or spontaneously healed ridges can be anticipated, but the use of an RP procedure reduces the need for further bone augmentation.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2150, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357698Pagine 685-694, Lingua: IngleseSimeone, Piero / Gracis, StefanoThe aim of the present clinical retrospective study was to evaluate the long-term survival and clinical performance of veneered lithium disilicate single restorations in anterior and posterior areas after up to 11 years. Following a rigid protocol, 275 lithium disilicate single crowns (35 IPS Empress II and 240 e.max Press) were cemented over 11 years, in 106 patients, using an adhesive technique; of these 106 were anterior (38.5%) and 169 posterior (61.5%) teeth. Teeth receiving endodontic therapy and composite reconstruction (50%) and teeth with preexisting metalceramic crowns, called prosthetic retreatments (PR; 65%), were included as well. Of the 106 patients enrolled in the study, 25 (23.5%) were diagnosed with bruxism habits, and 7 of these patients (6.6% of all patients) received full-mouth single lithium disilicate restorations (FMR). The exclusion criteria for this retrospective clinical study were: monolithic lithium disilicate crowns, teeth with cast post and cores, implant-supported all-ceramic crowns, active periodontitis, and/or poor oral hygiene. Clinical reevaluation was performed by the clinicians who prepared and luted them during maintenance appointments between January 2012 and October 2013. Number of restoration failures and characteristics of failures were recorded. Marginal adaptation and marginal discoloration were evaluated based on the Cvar-Ryge criteria. The overall cumulative survival rate was 98.2%. The failures recorded were the result of either mechanical failure or debonding. Five crowns failed mechanically-three because of chipping and two because of core fracture-and were replaced. None of the failed crowns was associated with the bruxers with FMR. A total of 15 crowns debonded (5.5% of all crowns); however, 11 belonged to the same patient who had endodontically treated and reconstructed abutments. In this retrospective clinical evaluation of up to 132 months, veneered lithium disilicate single crowns had a low failure rate.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2019, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357699Pagine 696-705, Lingua: IngleseWada, Yoshiyuki / Yoshimura, Harunori / Mikami, Itaru / Matsuzawa, Kousuke / Mizuno, MorimichiThis case report describes the treatment of a woman who lost a central incisor. The socket developed severe tissue defects. She rejected hard and soft tissue management and the use of biomaterials. The lateral incisor was moved mesially with orthodontic treatment. The tissue defects were filled with the alveolar bone of the moved tooth and adequate bone volume was generated behind it. An implant was placed in the space that was generated without any tissue augmentation. The moved tooth had sound periodontal tissue and was restored without preparation. The horizontal tooth movement enabled an esthetic outcome with minimal intervention.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2090, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357700Pagine 706-713, Lingua: IngleseCarnio, João / Koutouzis, TheofilosThe palatal masticatory mucosa between the canine and first molar is the main source of connective tissue graft (CTG) for use in periodontal plastic surgery. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the palatal augmentation technique (PAT) to increase the palatal connective tissue donor area using a collagen sponge inserted between the palatal flap and bone. The 26 patients enrolled in this study were referred for root coverage and ridge augmentation procedures. All patients lacked adequate donor palatal tissue thickness. The PAT uses a full-thickness flap and insertion of a sterile lyophilized bovine collagen sponge between the flap and bone. The palatal thickness was clinically assessed before and after collagen sponge insertion. A manual probe was inserted in the mucosal surface perpendicular to the long axis of each tooth approximately 6 mm from the gingival margin. Probing depth (PD) and recession (REC) were also recorded. Treatment with PAT resulted in a statistically significant increase in the palatal thickness. The overall mean increase was from 2.03 mm before surgery to 3.57 mm after surgery, with no major alterations in PD and REC. Healing proceeded uneventfully and occurred by primary intention. PAT appeared to be a predictable procedure to create connective tissue donor graft in deficient areas and had uneventful postoperative healing.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2494, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357701Pagine 714-723, Lingua: IngleseTakeshita, Kenji / Vandeweghe, Stefan / Vervack, Valentin / Sumi, Takashi / De Bruyn, Hugo / Jimbo, RyoThis study evaluated the clinical outcomes of immediately loaded maxillary anterior single implants placed in fresh extraction sockets. A patient cohort that was treated 1.5 years earlier was recalled, and 18 patients (6 men, 12 women) with 21 implants were included. Clinical photographs and periapical radiographs were taken at follow-up and baseline to determine the bone loss and change in esthetics. No marginal bone loss was detected at followup (mean bone level ± standard deviation = 0.32 ± 0.82 mm). Immediate implant placement and loading resulted in predictable clinical and esthetic outcomes, with soft and hard tissue levels remaining stable over time.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2293, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357702Pagine 724-731, Lingua: IngleseAlbiero, Alberto Maria / Benato, Renato / Fincato, AndreaGuided implant surgery is not completely accurate when using computer-designed stereolithographic surgical guides. Complications are frequently reported when combining computer-guided flapless surgery with an immediately loaded prefabricated prosthesis. Achieving passive fit of a prefabricated prosthesis on the inserted implants the same day of the surgery can be difficult. The aim of this report is to show a new treatment approach to immediately loaded implants inserted with computer-guided surgery using an intraoral welded full-arch provisional prosthesis.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2044, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357703Pagine 732-738, Lingua: IngleseGuimarães, George Furtado / Araújo, Vera Cavalcanti de / Nery, James Carlos / Peruzzo, Daiane Cristina / Soares, Andresa BorgesEnamel matrix derivative (EMD) is commonly used in periodontal therapy and has been used successfully for periodontal regeneration. In addition, this material has a possible angiogenic effect that has been associated with enhanced wound healing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of EMD on microvessel density (angiogenesis) on the soft tissues surrounding newly placed implants after 14 days. Five patients were selected, each requiring at least one implant on each side of the maxilla, in a split-mouth experimental design. The implants were placed in a two-stage procedure. Each side was then randomized as test or control. On the test side, 0.1 mL of EMD was topically applied to the soft tissues surrounding the implants, while the control side did not receive any treatment. Second-stage surgery was performed after 14 days. A 6-mm punch biopsy was performed for each implant, with the samples subsequently prepared for histology and immunohistochemistry. Quantitative vascularization analysis was performed, which involved counting three areas or "hotspots" containing vessels strongly positive for CD34 and CD105, a pan-endothelial and new vessel marker, respectively. There was no significant difference between test and control groups when evaluating the formation of new blood vessels. The total number of blood vessels, however, was significantly higher in the group treated with EMD (test group). Within the limits of the present study, it can be concluded that topical application of EMD on the soft tissues surrounding newly placed implants resulted in an increased number of blood vessels at 14 days, suggesting that EMD may play a beneficial role in this aspect of wound healing.
Solo onlineDOI: 10.11607/prd.2194, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357704Pagine 66-74, Lingua: IngleseTulga, Ayça / Saraç, DuyguThis study evaluated the effects of desensitizing treatments on the shear bond strength (SBS) of adhesive resin cement (Rely X U100) applied to dentin. Human molars (n = 120) with exposed dentin were divided into 12 groups. In the experimental groups, dentin surfaces were treated with (1) an erbium:yttrium- aluminium-garnet (Er:YAG) laser, (2) a neodymium:yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser, (3) glutaraldehyde (Gluma)-, (4) fluoride (Aqua Prep-F)-, and (5) oxalate (BisBlock)-containing desensitizing agents, (6) Gluma preceding the Er:YAG laser, (7) Aqua Prep-F preceding the Er:YAG laser, (8) BisBlock preceding the Er:YAG laser, (9) Gluma preceding the Nd:YAG laser, (10) Aqua Prep-F preceding the Nd:YAG laser, (11) and BisBlock preceding the Nd:YAG laser, in groups EL, NL, G, F, O, EL-G, EL-F, EL-O, NL-G , NL-F, and NL-O, respectively. Then, lithium disilicate ceramics were cemented to the treated surfaces. Subsequently, an SBS test was performed and the data were statistically analyzed (α = .001). The results suggested that the combined treatment of Gluma preceding Er:YAG laser increased the bond strength of ceramic to the dentin surface using a self-adhesive resin cement.
Solo onlineDOI: 10.11607/prd.2097, PubMed ID (PMID): 26357705Pagine 75-83, Lingua: IngleseChao, Yi-Chi / Chang, Po-Chun / Fu, Jia-Hui / Wang, Hom-Lay / Chan, Hsun-LiangThe success of bone augmentation is usually dependent on primary wound closure. This review provides a literature-based system to assess the predictability of achieving primary wound closure. Seven pertinent factors that determine the risk for wound exposure were identified: (1) the width of keratinized mucosa, (2) flap thickness, (3) flap tension, (4) vestibular depth, (5) type and (6) size of the bony defect, and (7) materials used. Clinical cases are used to demonstrate evaluation of these factors. This evaluation system may aid clinicians in differentiating cases with various risks of wound exposure and making decisions on flap modifications and the most appropriate surgical designs.