DOI: 10.11607/prd.2024.3.e, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787712Pagine 250-251, Lingua: IngleseRobbins, J. WilliamEditorialIt is incumbent upon our profession to reevaluate our preference for routinely replacing a missing single maxillary incisor, especially a maxillary lateral incisor, with a dental implant in a young adult. The dental literature is replete with beautiful restorative results using implants in this area, but there is minimal discussion regarding the long-term consequences of this treatment. The maxillary lateral incisor is one of the most commonly missing teeth due to agenesis, and it is also one of the most common teeth to be lost due to trauma in the developing child.1 Therefore, the decision for replacement must be made with the long-term in mind, as these restorations are commonly placed between ages 18 and 21 and must serve the patient for many decades.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.2024.3.c, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787713Pagine 252-255, Lingua: IngleseBrown, Evans / Stuhr, Sandra / Chambrone, Leandro / Childs, Christopher A. / Avila-Ortiz, Gustavo / Elangovan, SatheeshCommentaryClinicians, researchers, and policymakers often rely on the available scientific evidence to make strategic decisions. Systematic reviews (SRs) occupy an influential position in the hierarchy of scientific evidence. The findings of wellconducted SRs may provide valuable information to answer specific research questions1,2 and identify existing gaps for future research.3 Therefore, it is of supreme importance that SRs are published promptly, reducing as much as possible the time elapsed between the last date of the search for primary studies and the actual publication date. A study published in 2014 assessed the publication delay of SRs in orthodontics, revealing that the median time interval from the last search to publication was more than 1 year (13.2 months).4 Delays in the publication of SRs or original research articles may depend on author-related factors (eg, timing of resubmission after receiving feedback from reviewers) or journal-related factors (eg, time taken to process a submission).5–7 Regardless of the reasons, clinical recommendations and translation of SR findings may be affected by publication delay. We assessed the extent of publication delay of systematic reviews in dentistry with the purpose of addressing its implications and presenting potential solutions.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.6535, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787711Pagine 257-266, Lingua: IngleseFunato, Akiyoshi / Katayama, Akihiko / Moroi, HidetadaBone graft materials are often used in implant treatment to optimize functional and esthetic outcomes. The requirements for bone grafting materials are the ability to maintain space for bone regeneration to occur and the capability of being resorbed by osteoclasts and replaced with new bone tissue occurring in passive chemolysis and bone remodeling. Carbonate apatite (CO3Ap) granules (Cytrans Granules, GC) are a chemically synthetic bone graft material similar to autogenous bone minerals and more biocompatible than allografts and xenografts. The aim of this report is to evaluate the efficacy of CO3Ap granules in implant treatments when used alone or in combination with autogenous bone. The clinical findings and the radiographic and histologic assessments in three cases of immediate implant placement and lateral and vertical guided bone regeneration are reported. Despite the short-term follow-ups, histologic findings showed that CO3Ap granules were efficiently resorbed and replaced bone in clinical use. Furthermore, the clinical findings showed that CO3Ap granules maintained their morphology around the implant. This limited short-term case report suggests that this bone substitute is effective. However, further clinical studies and long-term reports of this new biomaterial are needed.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.6536, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787704Pagine 267-275, Lingua: IngleseAl Kababji, Louai / Alhabashneh, Rola / Abdelhafez, Reem / Nasrallah, Haneen / Khader, YousefGingival recession treatment is one of the major clinical challenges in periodontics, and various surgical techniques have been proposed to correct it. Most of these techniques are suitable for isolated recession sites and involve harvesting an autogenous tissue graft, which increases patient morbidity and might result in inferior esthetics due to incision design. This study assessed the benefit of adding platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) to the vestibular incision subperiosteal tunneling approach (VISTA) in treating multiple gingival recession compared to using VISTA alone. A total of 41 teeth with Miller Class I and II defects were randomized in a split-mouth design. Multiple clinical parameters were tested, including the change in gingival thickness over time, keratinized tissue width, and gingival phenotype (using the transparency of a periodontal probe). Patient-centered outcomes were also assessed via visual analog scale. Multiple Miller Class I and II recessions in the maxilla can be effectively treated with VISTA. However, when used in conjunction with PRF, no significant differences were detected in any parameter. VISTA has been shown to be associated with a low level of postsurgical pain for patients and can be used for patients with high esthetic demands.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.6568, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787716Pagine 277-285, Lingua: IngleseWen, Shih-Cheng / Saleh, Muhammad / Alrmali, Abdusalam / Wu, David T. / Wang, Hom-LayDespite the various treatments proposed with barrier membranes, one of the main challenges for guided bone regeneration (GBR) is maintaining space for large defects and ensuring an adequate blood supply. The presented feasibility case series aims to introduce an original titanium frame (TF) design, customized for each defect, as a modification of well-known principles and materials for GBR to achieve an enhanced and more predictable horizontal and vertical bone augmentation. Three patients with significant horizontal defects were treated with pre-trimmed TFs to create needed space, and then a 50/50 mixture of autograft and bovine xenograft was placed and covered with a collagen membrane. After 8 months of healing, the sites were reopened, and the titanium screws were removed with the frame. An average of 8.0 ± 1.0 mm of horizontal and 3.0 ± 0.0 mm of vertical bone gain were achieved at the time of reentry and implant placement surgery. Bone core biopsy sample was obtained during the implant placement. Histomorphometric analysis revealed that 42.8% of the sample was new vital bone, 18.8% was residual bone graft particles, and 38.4% was bone marrow–like structures. After 3 to 4 months from implant placement, the implants were restored with provisional crowns and then finalized with zirconia screw-retained crowns. This case series suggests that GBR utilizing TFs with or without collagen membranes can be considered a suitable approach for horizontal and vertical bone augmentation. However, based on only three reported cases, the results should be carefully interpreted.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.6558, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787705Pagine 287-297, Lingua: IngleseTironi, Francesco / Azzola, Francesco / Barbaro, Bruno / Corbella, Stefano / Taschieri, Silvio / Savadori, Paolo / Francetti, Luca AngeloTitanium has been proposed as a mesh material for guided bone regeneration (GBR) since the 1990s. To overcome difficulties in shaping and adapting meshes to the defect, digital techniques were introduced to digitally print meshes capable of fitting the bone perfectly, reproduced through the patient’s CT scan. Five patients were included in this case series, and their CBCT data were acquired and sent to the producer of the titanium meshes. 3D regenerative surgery was performed with titanium meshes and a mix of demineralized bovine bone matrix (DBBM) and autogenous bone (1:1 ratio). Radiographic measures were evaluated on paraxial sections of the CBCT through a dedicated software. When possible, regenerated bone samples were obtained at implant insertion. Four out of five regenerated areas healed without local or systemic complications. One mesh was removed after 2 months and 2 weeks due to exposure. The mean vertical bone gain was 4.3 ± 1.5 mm (range: 2.5 to 7 mm). Two histologic samples were obtained. In sample 1, bone tissue area and graft material area were 44.4% and 12.5%, respectively; in sample 2, the same parameters were 15.6% and 16.9%, respectively.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.6468, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787708Pagine 299-307, Lingua: InglesePark, Jin-Young / Lee, Joo-Yeon / Park, Shinyoung / Cha, Jae-Kook / Lee, Jung-Seok / Jung, Ui-WonThis study aimed to investigate the dimensional stability and quality of the alveolar ridge augmented using a synthetic bone block (SBB) at damaged extraction sockets. Four participants were included, and socket augmentation was performed using SBB and a collagen membrane. Intraoral and CBCT scans were performed before extraction (baseline), immediately postoperative (IP), and at 6 months postoperative (6M). At 6M, a trephine biopsy sample was obtained during implant placement, and the sample was observed using synchrotron. Soft tissue profile changes were assessed using profilometric analysis of the intraoral scan data, while dimensional changes in hard tissue were evaluated based on CBCT measurements. Bone quality was analyzed using synchrotron imaging. There were minimal changes in the soft tissue profile between baseline and IP, baseline and 6M, and IP and 6M (0.11 ± 1.08 mm3, 0.02 ± 0.8 mm3, and –0.65 ± 0.82 mm3, respectively). Horizontal bone width was measured at 1-mm increments from the augmented bone crest to 5 mm apically and revealed only a slight reduction (< 1 mm) at all levels between IP and 6M. The augmented bone height was well maintained from IP until 6M (–0.21 ± 0.53 mm). Synchrotron analysis revealed low to moderate bone quality after 6M (percentage of new bone: 16.49% ± 4.91%). Socket augmentation using SBB appears to be a viable technique for regenerating damaged extraction sockets, with the augmented ridge dimensions maintained up to 6M. Further long-term randomized clinical trials are needed.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.6900, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787714Pagine 309-319, Lingua: IngleseChávarri-Prado, David / Jones, Andoni / Pérez-Pevida, Esteban / Diéguez-Pereira, Markel / Estrada-Martínez, Alejandro / Cabezón-Palacios, RodrigoSinus floor augmentation is one of the most common approaches to obtain sufficient bone availability for placing implants in cases with severe bone atrophy in the posterior maxilla. Several bone substitutes are indicated for sinus augmentation, but they may achieve different clinical outcomes. This study aims to compare bovine bone mineral (BBM) with freeze-dried bone allograft (FDBA) in a two-stage lateral window sinus grafting approach. Twenty patients received a lateral window sinus elevation with either FDBA or BBM. Postoperative graft height was measured with CBCT. Implants were placed 6 months later, at which time biopsy samples were taken for histologic analysis and new CBCT scans were performed to measure graft height. The mean height reduction at 6 months was 20.27% ± 4.94% for FDBA samples and 5.36% ± 2.41% for BBM samples. The histologic analysis revealed a mean ratio of newly formed bone of 43.70% ± 5.29% for the FDBA group and 38.11% ± 4.03% for the BBM group. The FDBA group also showed a higher amount of residual biomaterial (17.25% ± 10.10%) and connective tissue (14.63% ± 4.38%) compared to the BBM group (15.53% ± 5.42% and 13.11% ± 4.42%, respectively). The differences between groups were statistically significant for the height reduction and newly formed bone (P ≤ .05) but not for the amounts of residual biomaterial and nonmineralized connective tissue (P ≥ .05). Six months after performing a lateral window sinus elevation, the percentage of newly formed bone was significantly higher when using FDBA than when using BBM, although the graft height reduction was also significantly higher for the FDBA group.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.6562, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787707Pagine 321-329, Lingua: InglesePerez, Alexandre / Martinelli-Klay, Carla Patricia / Lombardi, TommasoThis pilot case series histologically and histometrically investigated the influence of implant surface hydrophilicity on early osseointegration and peri-implant bone formation around simultaneously grafted immediate implants. Hydrophilic test (SLAactive) or hydrophobic control (SLA) implants were immediately placed in maxillary molar extraction sites and simultaneously grafted with mineralized cancellous bone allograft (MCBA). Core biopsy samples were obtained at 3 weeks postplacement and histometrically compared for bone-to-implant contact, quantity of graft material, new bone formation, tissue reaction, and inflammatory scores. Test implants showed a more pronounced implant-bone apposition, peri-implant bone formation, and bone aggregate than control implants. Trabecular bone formation and maturation were also qualitatively advanced around test implants. These results indicate that the combination of implant surface and bone graft may affect periimplant bone formation.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.6584, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787709Pagine 331-338, Lingua: IngleseLin, Yen-Hua / Rodriguez Betancourt, Amanda / Wang, Hom-Lay / Chan, Hsun-LiangSuccessful bone augmentation relies on primary wound closure. The labial frenum is a soft tissue that connects the lip to the alveolar mucosa or gingiva. However, the frenum may exert biomechanical forces to the wound edge, causing wound instability. The aim of this study is to review the frenum composition and classifications and to understand the significance of the frenum in wound stability upon bone regeneration. Together with a manual search, an electronic search was conducted through three online databases on studies published until September 2022. A total of 300 articles were identified, and 9 studies were included in this review. Two of the included studies discovered that 35% to 37.5% of the labial frenum had muscle fibers. Other studies showed that the labial frenum was mainly composed of connective tissue with elastic fibers. There are two widely used classifications for the frenum based on its morphology and attachment position. No studies specifically evaluated the impact of the frenum on bone regeneration, but the frenum location intercorrelated with the amount of keratinized tissue, which could influence wound stability. A modified frenum classification for the edentulous ridge and a decision diagram to manage the frenum is proposed for research and evidence-based practice.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.6891, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787715Pagine 339-346, Lingua: IngleseBhatavadekar, Neel / Padhye, NinadThis study assessed the effects of buccal contour augmentation for periodontally compromised teeth with horizontal bone loss. A total of 30 subjects were divided into Group A or Group B (n = 15 subjects per group). Group A received open-flap debridement (OFD) with buccal contour augmentation using deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM), jointly referred to as contour augmentation for periodontal defects (CAPD; test group). Group B received only OFD (control group). Bleeding on probing (BOP), clinical attachment level (CAL), probing depth (PD), gingival recession (GR), keratinized mucosa width (WKM), keratinized mucosa thickness (TKM), and labial cortical plate thickness were compared at baseline and 1 year. BOP, CAL, PD, and GR did not show significant differences. TKM increased by 1.76 mm for Group A but decreased by 1 mm for Group B. WKM increased from 2.86 ± 0.4 mm to 3.6 ± 0.71 mm (P < .001) and from 2.93 ± 0.32 mm to 3 ± 0.7 mm (P = 0.5) for Groups A and B, respectively, which showed statistical significance. Labial cortical plate thickness increased from 0.94 ± 0.3 mm to 1.95 ± 0.54 mm (P < .001) for Group A but decreased from 0.87 ± 0.45 mm to 0.68 ± 0.31 mm for Group B. Visual analog scale scores for pain perception showed no difference between the two groups. CAPD for periodontally compromised teeth improves WKM and TKM. Long-term analyses are needed to determine its benefits in daily clinical practice.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.6453, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787710Pagine 347-355, Lingua: IngleseGiudice, Amerigo / Attanasio, Ferdinando / Bennardo, Francesco / Antonelli, Alessandro / Vercellotti, TomasoThe management of marked horizontal bone atrophy represents a critical challenge for traditional implantology procedures. For this purpose, clinicians have developed several protocols and procedures to allow the most suitable and accurate surgical and prosthetic implant rehabilitation. Despite the development of guided bone regeneration methods and the use of small-diameter implants, the rehabilitation of thin bone areas is a clinical dilemma for the medium- and long-term survival of implant-prosthetic therapies. This clinical case evaluates the use of wedge-shaped implants for the full-arch rehabilitation of an atrophic maxilla with a thin ridge. This treatment choice allowed a minimally invasive rehabilitation, avoiding regenerative bone surgery, while respecting biologic and prosthetic limits. Furthermore, evaluation of the implant stability quotient and marginal bone loss values during the first year of follow-up allowed analysis of the behavior of this rehabilitation in fullarch maxillary cases.
DOI: 10.11607/prd.6611, PubMed ID (PMID): 38787706Pagine 357-364, Lingua: InglesePita, Afroditi / Ruiz, StevePeripheral giant cell granulomas (PGCGs) are benign oral cavity tumors, reactive in nature, caused by local trauma or irritation. A 51-year-old woman presented with a soft tissue lesion related to an implant at site 36 (FDI numbering system). An excisional biopsy was completed, and the soft tissue mass was diagnosed as a PGCG. The biopsy led to a lack of keratinized tissue and vestibular depth around the implant site. After the initial healing phase, a free gingival graft was completed. Then, following soft tissue maturation, the cement-retained implant-supported prosthesis was converted into a screwretained implant-supported prosthesis that was easily accessible. With a combined periodontal and restorative approach, the KT increased, adequate vestibular depth was achieved, and there was no recurrence of the PGCG.