Poster 45, Lingua: IngleseSchacher, Beate/Horodko, Martin/Bürklin, Thomas/Ratka-Krüger, Petra/Raetzke, PeterWe report a case of Wegener's granulomatosis affecting the gingiva of a 43-year-old female patient. The disease presented as a non-painfull circumscribed hyperplasia of the vestibular gingiva in the maxillary anterior region. In addition to the oral manifestations, the patient was suffering from rhinitis and a cough with expectorations. Upon inspection of the nasal mucosal lining, we found granulomatous changes in this tissue as well. The diagnosis of Wegener's granulomatosis was later confirmed by histological and serological findings. The patient underwend systemic therapy with immunosuppressive medication which resulted in a complete remission of all parameters. When a patient presents with therapy-resistant, granulomatous changes of the gingiva or alveolar mucosa, the dentist should include Wegener's granulomatosis as a tentative diagnosis.
Parole chiave: Wegener's granulomatosis, strawberry gum, hyperplasia, gingivitis
Poster 46, Lingua: IngleseKetabi, Ali-Reza/Kaus, Thomas/Bergbreiter, Claudia/Pröbster, Lothar74 resin-bonded fixed partial dentures (RBFPD's) were placed with 61 patients consecutively, since 1986. Increased mechanical retention of the FPD's was achieved by preparation of horizontal ledges and vertical grooves. 52 were 3-unit anterior, 4 4-unit anterior, 8 6-unit anterior, 1 7-unit anterior, 8 3-unit posterior and 1 4-unit posterior restoration. 60 were cast in a NiCr-alloy (Wiron88, Bego Co.), and 13 in a CoCr-alloy (Remanium CD, Dentaurum Co.) and veneered with Vita VMK68 ceramics. All restorations were seated with Microfill pontic (Kulzer Co.) bis-GMA resin cement after silicoating with the Silicoater (Kulzer) and silane treaetment (Silicoup, Kulzer). Patients were monitored at least once a year. 29 patients were rated as drop-out, as they did not appear for recall for more than one year within the observation period. Results: 14 primary failures (19% of all retorations), i.e. retention loss of one or more retainers, were observed after a mean function time of 4.15 years. Survival rate with regard to primary failures was 0.76 after 120 months (determined by Kaplan-Meier method). 6 failed FPD's were rebonded, thus a survival rate of 0.87 after 120 months of functioning restorations was calculated. With 4 restorations veneer fractures occurred, however, the veneer could be repaired. It is concluded, that silicoated resin-bonded FPD's with a preparation design for increased mechanical retention are a viable treatment means with an acceptable success expectancy.
Parole chiave: resin-bonded fixed partial dentures, bridgework, adhesives, clinical study
Poster 47, Lingua: IngleseGraefen, Oliver/Braun, Andreas/Nolden, Rolf/Frentzen, Matthiasno abstract available
Parole chiave: root filling, central cone, glass inonomer sealer, lateral condensation, application techniques, paste filling
Poster 48, Lingua: IngleseHeinrich, Annegret/Bernhardt, Olaf/Splieth, Christian/Meyer, GeorgAn assessment of microflora beneath restorations indicates how the antimicrobial activity of filling materials on residual microorganisms and whether the material prevents a penetration of microorganisms after its application. The aim of the present study was to determine a microbial spectrum under composite fillings compared to that under amalgam fillings. Ten composite and 5 amalgam fillings were evaluated for occlusal loss of material, marginal gaps, and secondary caries. After the removal of the fillings, a sample of carious dentine just below the filling was taken under sterile conditions and stored in a prereduced transport medium for anaerobs and immediately transfered to a laboratory for microbial diagnosis. Clinical examination showed in 50% of all restorations occlusal loss of material and marginal gaps. In 9 out of 10 composite fillings and 2 out of 5 amalgam fillings secondary caries was diagnosed. The ratios of aerobic to anaerobic flora were comparable. (under composite 11.4% : 88.6%) and amalgam 15.4% : 84.5%). The microbial variety under composite fillings was much greater compared to amalgam and it was similar to infected root canals (strict anaerobic gram-negative rods as Fusobacterum spp. Porphyromonas spp.). Quantitatively, there were up to 8 times more microorganisms under composite fillings. Beneath amalgam we found microbes similar to the flora of carious dentine and carious plaque, with anaerobe and facultative anaerobic gram-positive rods dominating. The kind of filling material may have an important influence on quantity and quality of the microbial spectrum in dental cavities. Associations between anaerobic gramnegative flora under composites and infected root canals need further investigations.
Parole chiave: dental materials, microbiology, composite, amalgam
Poster 49, Lingua: IngleseLammert, Ulrich/Riebeling, A./Ferger, Paul/Wöstmann, BerndAcrylic veneers are commonly used in RPD's, (especially telescopic retained dentures) because of several advantages. Particularly the flexibility of the resin is needed to withstand the inevitable minor deformation of the metallic framework. In the recent years different bonding systems (i.e. Rocatec, Espe and Silicoater, Heraeus Kulzer) have been introduced to enhance the durability of the metal-resin interface and to improve shear bond and flexure strength of the entire system.
Since there is only little information about the clinical durability of resin veneered telescopic crowns, it was therefore the aim of this in-vivo study to analyze three acrylic systems in a prospective randomized clinical trial. The veneer materials Dentacolor, Artglass(Heraeus Kulzer) and Sinfony (Espe), using the silanization methods recommended by the manufacturer (Siloc: Heraeus Kulzer; Rocatec: Espe), were chosen randomly to veneer a total of 323 telescopic crowns in 95 patients. The patients were subjected to a continuous recall-program. The veneers were evaluated; examination criteria were complete or partial loss of veneers (1/3;, 2/3; complete loss veneer) and a change in color compared to neighboring teeth. Statistical analysis was performed using the survival-analysis by Kaplan-Meyer. The following table shows the results of the different materials after 18 month.
Material Loss veneers 1/3 2/3 Complete loss Discoloration of veneer
Dentalcolor/Siloc n=120 5% * 1 % 7 %* 2 %
Artglas /Siloc n=97 14 %* 0 % 28 %* 4 %
Sinfony/Rocatec n=106 9 %* 0 % 0 %* 9 %
Parole chiave: dental materials, microbiology, composite, amalgam