Poster 311, Lingua: IngleseFischer, Priska/Böhm, Joachim/Ratka-Krüger, Petra/Krekeler, GisbertHypertrophic or hyperplastic alterations of the marginal gingivaare the locally or generalized appearing answer to differentinteractions between host and soft tissue. In many cases theseenlargements are exclusively plaque-induced and treatable byprofessional tooth cleaning and regular controls. Specialattention must be directed to those enlargements of the gingiva,which exclude poor oral hygiene as the only cause. To thisgroup belong medically, traumatically or genetically inducedalterations of the gingiva as well as oral manifestations ofdifferent systemic diseases, i. e. white blood cell diseases.Leukemiae are a group of neoplastic diseases, which arecharacterized by proliferation of immature white blood cells inthe bone marrow and blood. Gingival enlargements aregenerally associated with acute forms of leukemia and areparticularly seen in cases of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Wereport on a 34 year old female patient with generalized gingivalenlargements, who was referred to our ambulance by themedical clinic with the diagnosis of AML. Clinical findings wererecorded photographically and a soft tissue biopsy was takenand prepared for histologic evaluation. This case reportdocuments the association of gingivo-periodontal alterationswith white blood cell diseases. By referring such patients forhematologic investigation, the dentist may aid in the detectionand early treatment of the underlying malady.
Parole chiave: Acute myeloid leukemia, oral manifestation, gingival overgrowth
Poster 312, Lingua: IngleseKukletová, Martina/Horký, Drahomír/Halacková, ZdenkaThe studies on the character of a connection between dentine and an adhesive material can be conducted by different morphological methods. The aim of the paper presented was to compare different SEM techniques and to determine the most suitable method for studying the dentine adhesion. Sixteen teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons were used for the trial. The teeth were kept in 10% neutral formaline. The cavities of the Ist and Vth classes were prepared, and their surfaces were treated with dentine adhesives. For total-etch technique Prime bond or Single bond were used, in self-etching technique Xeno III or Prompt- L- Pop were applied. The teeth were fractured, and the fractured surfaces were studied in SEM. One half of each tooth was studied under low-vacuum technique (LowVac) using BSE and LVSTD detectors, the other was gold-coated and investigated under high vacuum (HiVac) using DET and BSE detectors. In both techniques a good connection between dentine and adhesive materials was found. In total-etch technique longer tags were observed regularly. HiVac technique provided a sharper and more distinct picture of the situation and enabled the studies in greater details. No substantial differences between the applied detectors were found. HiVac technique will be preferred in further studies on the quality of dentine adhesive techniques and materials.
Parole chiave: SEM, dentine adhesives, etching techniques, electron microscopy, dentine hybridization
Poster 313, Lingua: TedescoMaurer, Peter/Bock, Jens J./Eckert, Alexander W.Aim: The present study evaluates the feasibility of the "FAMI"-screw as a bone anchorage in orthodontic treatment.
Material and methods: In 12 patients 17 bone screws were implanted under localanaesthesia in the vestibular aspect of the alveolar process with an immediate loading. In eight cases a tooth space was closed by mesialisation of a molar, in three cases intrusions of upper or lower incisors were carried out.
Results: Two screws which had to be placed into the mobile part of the gingiva were removed earlier due to infection. All the other screws were stable until the end of the treatment period. In all cases unintended movement of tooth were avoided.
Conclusion: The use of the "FAMI "-screw as bone anchorage in the course of orthodontic treatment appears to be effective and represents an alternative to established orthodontic implantat systems
Parole chiave: FAMI-Schraube, Knochenverankerung, Kieferorthopädie
Poster 314, Lingua: IngleseMa, Mei SiangTalon cusp is a dental anomaly that usually projects lingually / palatally from the singulum areas of maxillary or mandibular permanent incisor. Only 4 cases of facial talon cusp, including one with facial and palatal talon cusp on the same tooth and the other in a child with incontinentia pigmenti achromian, have been reported in the English literature since 1960. This case report presents a rare facial talon cusp on upper right lateral incisor in a 50 years old Malay male without associated clinical problems that a talon cusp might cause.
Parole chiave: facial talon cusp
Poster 315, Lingua: IngleseRötzscher, Klaus/Grundmann, Claus/Lessig, Rüdiger/Kirsch, Hans-PeterThe forensic casework of the first days was reported from the odontological point of view. First positive identifications using direct contact were possible but show the problems also. The high potential of the forensic odontology allows the positive identification in approximately 90 percent of the victims using this method. The identification of the victims of Tsunami in South East Asia on December 26, 2004, was a great challenge for forensic odontology. Fingerprints, DNA analysis and dental records were used for the positive identification of the bodies.
Parole chiave: Seequake 2004, Tsunami Southeast-Asia, identification, forensic odontology
Poster 316, Lingua: IngleseGernhardt, Christian Ralf/Kuss, Oliver/Schaller, Hans-GünterObjectives: The aim of the present multi-center investigation was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of a strontium chloride hexahydrate containing desensitizer Hyposen (Lege Artis) over a period of 24 weeks.
Material and Methods: 142 patients with hypersensitivity were included in the double-blind, randomized, comparative placebo study. Eleven different dental clinics were involved. All dentist were calibrated. Each patients exhibited at least two hypersensitive teeth with uncovered dentin surfaces. One tooth was treated with Hyposen desensitizer, the other tooth was treated with a placebo. All materials were applied as recommended by the manufacturer. Levels of hypersensitivity were assessed after 2, 8, 12 and 24 weeks by cold air stimulus and tactile stimulus with an dental explorer.
Results: After 12 weeks in 102 patients (71.8%) a reduction of discomfort and pain could be observed. 24 weeks after application of the desensitizing agent in 95 patients (66.9%)a reduction of hypersensitivity could be detected. Compared with the placebo group statistical analysis showed a significant positive effect of Hyposen after 12 and 24 weeks (pConclusions: It can be concluded that using the strontium chloride containing Hyposen for the treatment of hypersensitive dentin surfaces is an easy, safe and effective alternative to other desensitizing agents and treatment procedures.
Parole chiave: strontium chloride, dentin hypersensitivity, dentin, desensitizing agent, clinical study
Poster 317, Lingua: IngleseMa, Mei SiangSquamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the commonest cancer in the mouth. Multiple risk factors, including smoking, alcohol consumption, irradiation, viruses infection and chronic irritation are thought to be responsible for the formation of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Although SCC can develop through precancerous stages manifested as various degrees of epithelial dysplasia, this is not always the case. p53 is the commonest mutated gene in human cancers. Mis-sense mutation of the gene or complexing of the protein with viral or cellular proteins prolongs its half-life and leads to its detection by immunohistochemistry. This study was designed with the aim of demonstrating any possible relationship between p53 and oral squamous cell carcinoma immunohistochemically. A total of 66 specimens from the oral cavity (10 normal mucosa, 11 hyperkeratosis without dysplasia, 11 mild dysplasia, 11 moderate dysplasia, 10 severe dysplasia and 13 SCC) were examined for the presence of p53. The results show p53 was not expressed in normal mucosa, but was found with increasing frequency in increasingly severe dyspalsia and SCC. In conclusion, this study shows p53 mutation is common in oral squamous cell carcinoma and probably occurs early in the multisteps of oral squamous cell carcinoma
Parole chiave: p53, oral squamous cell carcinoma
Poster 318, Lingua: IngleseKukletová, Martina/Halacková, Zdenka/Kuklová, Jarmila/Svobodová, MartaThe oral health state of children treated under general anaesthesia in the year 2002 was evaluated.The number of treated children was 51, the mean age 9.73. The reasons for the treatment under general anaesthesia were serious systemic diseases or anxiety. The study results demonstrated high caries experience in non-cooperative and handicapped children. DMFT index in this group was 4.29, with D = 3.82 (81%), F = 0.29 (6.8%), E = 0.18(4.2%), RI value was 47.37%. All the obtained values are very high in comparison to the data reported for a common corresponding population. Especially high data were found in extracted teeth E = 0.18 while in the corresponding children population the value of 0.01 was reported. Higher attention should be paid to the dental care for handicapped and non-cooperative children.
Parole chiave: non-cooperative children, dentistry, oral epidemiology, caries experience
Poster 319, Lingua: IngleseDumitrescu, Alexandrina L./Maftei-Galopentia, Ioana MadalinaOsteoporosis, which is a metabolic bone disorder, presents a major public health problem, particularly for postmenopausal women. When defining the relationship between osteoporosis and periodontitis several issues should be considered:
- most published studies support a positive association between these common diseases;
- many studies cross-sectional in nature, include relatively small sample sizes and have inadequate control of potential confounding factors;
- varying methods to assess both osteoporosis and periodontitis are used;
- varying definitions of both osteoporosis and periodontal disease when presenting the outcomes of interest were used. Not all studies rely on some measures of bone density. Many studies rely on clinical observations of events such as bone fracture;
- the demographic makeup of the population under study (age, gender, race) and control of potential confounding variables (smoking, oral hygiene status) differs markedly across studies.
As a result, interferences on the association between osteoporosis and periodontal disease require careful considerations. The findings indicate that osteoporosis may produce a risk for alveolar bone loss in cases of periodontitis.
Parole chiave: alveolar bone loss, tooth loss, osteoporosis, periodontitis, bone mineral content
Poster 320, Lingua: IngleseBekes, Katrin/Gernhardt, Christian Ralf/Schaller, Hans-GünterObjectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate microtensile bond strength of five different self-conditioning dentin adhesives (Futurabond NR, Adper Prompt L-Pop, Contax, AdheSE, Clearfil Protect Bond) on perfused dentin in vitro.
Methods: Fifty freshly extracted molars, stored in saline for a maximum of fourteen days after extraction were included. All teeth were specially prepared allowing the simulation of dentin perfusion. Dentin specimens with a total thickness of 3.5 mm were obtained under standardized conditions. The specimens were randomly assigned to five experimental groups of ten samples each: Group A: Futurabond NR; group B: Adper Prompt L-Pop; group C: Contax; group D: AdheSE; group E: Clearfil Protect Bond. Microtensile bond strength was measured 15 minutes after application and light curing of the composite material (Clearfil AP-X, colour A2) using an universal testing machine.
Results: For the five test series following bond strengths were evaluated (mean value and standard deviation in MPa): group A: 13.34 (± 4.27), group B: 22.33 (± 2.77), group C: 20.50 (± 3.30), group D: 17.65 (± 4.84), group E: 22.53 (± 3.68). Statistical analysis showed a significant influence of the used material combination on tensile bond strength (pConclusions: Within the limitations of an in vitro investigation it can be concluded that all self-conditionng bonding agents used in this study were able to establish bond strength on perfused dentin showing almost favourable values.
Parole chiave: self-conditioning bonding agent, self-conditioning dentin adhesives, microtensile bond strength
Poster 321, Lingua: IngleseKobler, Annett/Gernhardt, Christian Ralf/Bekes, Katrin/Fechner, Katrin/Schmelz, Melanie/Schaller, Hans-GünterObjectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of two different perfusion solutions (saline, undiluted human plasma) on microtensile bond strength of four different dentin adhesives (Futurabond NR, Clearfil SE Bond, Xeno III, iBond) in vitro.
Methods: 120 freshly extracted molars were included. All teeth were specially prepared allowing the simulation of dentin perfusion. The specimens were randomly assigned to eight experimental groups of fifteen samples each. In four groups (AS, BS, CS, DS)saline was used as perfusion solution, in four groups (AP, BP, CP, DP) undiluted human plasma was used. Group AS, AP: Futurabond NR; group BS, BP: Clearfil SE Bond; group CS, CP: Xeno III; group DS, DP: iBond. Microtensile bond strength wasmeasured 15 minutes after light curing of the composite material (Clearfil APX) using an universal testing machine.
Results: For the eight test series following tensile bond strengths were evaluated (mean value, standard deviation in MPa): AS 31.57 (± 3.22), AP 45.38 (± 3.87), BS 28.81 (± 3.47), BP 39.44 (± 3.44), CS 23.80 (± 3.59); CP 30.30 (± 3.23); DS 28.62 (± 3.22); DP 46.34 (± 3.24). Statistical analysis showed a significant influence of the used material and perfusion solution on microtensile bond strength (pConclusions: It can be concluded that the use of human plasma results in significantly higher values. Probably the use of human plasma might be a suitable alternative to imitate perfused dentin conditions in testing devices and might eliminate the recognizable discrepancy between different in vitro investigations focusing on bond strength of dentin adhesives.
Parole chiave: dentin bonding agent, dentin, dentin perfusin, bond strength