Poster 378, Lingua: IngleseBekes, Katrin/Gernhardt, Christian Ralf/Schaller, Hans-GünterObjectives:Fibre posts are frequently used for esthetic restorations. Theaim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cyclic loading on the bondstrength of the fibre post D.T. Light Post using different post diameters.
Methods: Sixty caries free single rooted teeth that were selected forstandardized size and quality were endodontically prepared and coronallyreduced to the cemento-enamel junction. Post holes were prepared using thecorresponding burs (10 mm in length). The specimens were randomly assignedto three experimental groups: (A): insertion of DT Light Post #1, (B): DTLight Post #2; (C) DT Light Post #3. Fibre posts were luted with Panavia Faccording to the manufacturers instructions. The restored teeth were storedin water at 37°C for at least 1d. Tensile tests were performed using auniversal testing machine. Each group was subdivided into two subgroups (1and 2): 1: immediate loading to maximum bond strength; 2: maximum load after100 cycles (between 10 and 20 N). Data were analyzed with SPSS 12.0.
Results: Following mean retentive strengths were evaluated: Analysis ofvariances test revealed that the post diameter did not affect the bondstrengths the fibre posts of the D.T. Light Post system (pconclusions: thed.t. light post system showed acceptable tensile bond strengths. cyclicloading decreased the bond strengths of all diameters of fibre postsused.
Parole chiave: bond strength, fibre posts, cyclic loading
Poster 379, Lingua: IngleseHildebrand, Detlef/Bassem, Al-Chawaf/Nelson, KatjaIn this present study new bone formation of fresh extraction socket afteraugmentation with Bio-Oss Collagen was analyzed after a healing period of 6weeks using histomorphometry Material and methods: Ten patients, referredfor extraction of decayed teeth of all regions, were included in this study.The extraction sockets were instrumented to eliminate all remnants ofperiodontal ligament tissue and showed no defect in extraction site. Eachsocket was grafted with Bio-Oss Collagen without flap management. After a 6weeks healing period, at implant placement, bone biopsy samples wereobtained with a trephine bur and evaluated histomorphometrically, usingMasson's trichrome and Toluidine staining. Quantification of new boneformation and BioOss-remnants was performed using a digital imaging system(AxioVision, Zeiss, Germany). Results and discussion: The values found fornew bone formation ranged from 35% - 59% and 34% for remainingBioOss-particles. This is comparable to the findings of studies with healingperiod of 12 weeks in canines. These results encouraged an early onsetimplantation after healing period of six weeks. The long-term success andsurvival rate of these implants will be the subject of futureinvestigation.
Parole chiave: extraction socket, augmentation
Poster 380, Lingua: IngleseHeberer, Susanne/Nelson, KatjaPurpose: The oral rehabilitation of tumor patients, having undergone oral cancer treatment, often suffers from disorders of mastication and articulation. After the resection of tumors resulting defects concern not only the alveolar bone but also the mobility of the tongue, the floor of the mouth and the soft tissue. In this clinical report we demonstrate a simple and effective surgical and prosthetic treatment procedure to improve the condition of the soft tissue around the implants and prevent the muscle attachment near the implants.
Material and methods: We treated 10 tumor patients with 41 implants. At implant placement a closed impression was taken from the implants for the fabrication of a surgical implant retained splint. At second stage surgery a modified vestibuloplasty enhancing tongue mobility and gaining attached gingiva using a 0, 4 mm split- thickness skin graft from the upper thigh was performed. After proper placement of the graft the modified surgical splint is screwed to the implants to allow pressure on the graft and to avoid shrinkage or repositioning of the removed muscles or mucosa. The splint is removed when the definitive restoration is placed.
Results and conclusion:In the first series of patients treated with this method the resultsdemonstrate an adequately deepened and long-term stable vestibulum. Afterinsertion of the bar retained prosthesis all patients show an improvement inspeech, deglutition and oral competence. Oral hygiene can easier beperformed. This vestibuloplasty offers a safe and convenient method torestore the mobility of the tongue and to gain a sufficient basis forprosthetic management.
Parole chiave: oral cancer, vestibuloplasty, prosthetic rehabilitation
Poster 381, Lingua: TedescoRehmann, Peter/Weber, Andrea/Balkenhol, Markus/Wöstmann, Bernd/Ferger, PaulThe aim of this retrospective longitudinal study was to assess the survival rates and the follow-up costs of telescopic crown retained dentures.The study was based on the data of 554 telescopic crown retained dentures and their 1758 abutment teeth. All prostheses were delivered in the Department of Dental Prosthetics of the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen between 1995 and 2004.The 90%- (50%-) survival rate of the prostheses was determined at 6,4 years (9,3 years).The 90%- survival time of the abutment teeth was determined after 6,9 years.Because of the high incidence of following treatments in the first year after insertion of the prosthesis the highest follow-up costs of approximately 100 € were noted in this period. Then the costs dropped to averagely 55 € a year.Overall the repairs of facings of the secondary telescopic crowns caused the highest costs during the functional period of the prosthesis. More than one third of the whole follow-up costs were caused of the renewal of facings.
Parole chiave: Longitudinaluntersuchung; Teleskop; Überlebensrate; Zahnersatz, festsitzend/herausnehmbarer
Poster 382, Lingua: IngleseJivanescu, Anca/Bratu, Dorin/Negrutiu, MedaThe clinical and technical steps involved in the fabrication of the flexiblecomplete denture specifically indicated because of the advanced stage ofmicrostomia associated with systemic scleroderma are reported.
Parole chiave: microstomia, scleroderma, flexible complete denture
Poster 383, Lingua: IngleseKirsch, MichaelIn the field of making panoramic radiographs there are two possibilities atthe moment. This is once the conventional and on the other hand the digitalway. Another possibility is the making of conventional panoramic radiographsand its digital processing. In this poster you examine with the help of a 2D diagnosis and planning software (copgiX ® -- IVS solution GmbH), whetherthis possibility has a therapeutically use. Within a fixed protocol before300 panoramic radiographs were examines. The results showed that is betterto edit conventional panoramic radiographs digitally before making asecondary radiograph or a CT/DVT.
Parole chiave: mental foramen, 2D diagnosis and planning software, digitally editing conventional panoramic radiographs
Poster 384, Lingua: IngleseSchulz, Susanne/Zimmermann, Uta/Schaller, Hans-Günter/Machulla, Helmut/Altermann, Wolfgang/Gläser, Christiane/Reichert, StefanNo association of genetic variants of interleukin 6 and the susceptibility to periodontitisS Schulz1, J Klapproth1, U Zimmermann1, HG Schaller1, HKG Machulla2, W Altermann2, C Gläser3, S Reichert11 University School of Dental Medicine, Department of Operative Dentistry and Periodonto-logy, 2 Interbranch HLA Laboratory - Department GHATT, and3 Institute of Human Genetics and Medical Biology, Medical School, Martin-Luther-University, Halle, GermanyPeriodontitis as a chronic inflammatory disorder is influenced by environmental and genetic factors. Several factors of the immune response and their genetic background have been proposed as potential markers for the susceptibility to this disease.The aim of the present study was to evaluate the importance of genomic variants of the potent proinflammatory cytokine interleukin 6 (IL6) for the incidence of chronic and aggressive periodontitis. Patients and Methods: In the present study 107 periodontitis patients (chronic: n=48, mean age: 48.1+10.1y, 33.3% males; aggressive: n=59, mean age: 41.6+9.8y, 35.6% males) and 40 control probands without periodontitis (mean age: 43.9+11.1y, 40 % males) were included. Clinical parameter including smoking status, plaque and bleeding indexes, pocket depth and attachment loss were assessed. Subgingival bacterial colonization was analyzed molecular biologically using the micro-Ident® test (Hain-Diagnostik, Nehren). We investigated genotype, allele and haplotype frequencies of the IL6-promotor SNP-174G>C and -597G>A by use of PCR-SSP (CTS-Kit, Heidelberg). Results: Hardy-Weinberg criteria were fulfilled for both SNPs. Investigating genotype, haplotype and allele frequencies no significant disease specific differences could be detected in comparison with healthy controls. Furthermore, the genetic background of IL6 was not associated with clinical and microbiological parameters investigated except attachment loss. In the group of patients suffering from aggressive periodontitis heterozygous genotypes were significantly associated with increased attachment loss (-174G>C: p=0.035; -597G>A: p=0.04) Conclusions: Although, the genetic background of IL6 was associated with attachment loss representing a clinical parameter of periodontitis the genetic variants -174G>C and -597G>A could not be described as independent risk factors for chronic or aggressive periodontitis.
Parole chiave: interleukin 6, genetic, aggressive periodontitis, chronic periodontitis
Poster 385, Lingua: IngleseTara, Milia Abou/Patyk, Alfred JohannesObjectives: The purpose of this study was to examine shear bond strength of various commercial repair kits used with different all-ceramic restorations.
Methods: Four intraoral ceramic repair systems: Cimara (Voco), Silistor (Heraeus Kulzer), Ceramic Repair (Ivoclar Vivadent) and CoJet-System (3M Espe) were applied on four different all-ceramic systems: IPS Empress 2 (Ivoclar Vivadent), Vita In-Ceram Alumina Blank, Vita In-Ceram Alumina slickered (Vita Zahnfabrik) and Cercon (Degudent). The specimens (10x10x3mm) were divided into substructure and veneering porcelain and were prepared with the repair material (Ø5x3mm) following the guidelines for an intraoral repair. After 24 hours of storage in artificial saliva (37° C), the prepared specimens were debonded using a shear bond strength test in an universal-testing-device (Zwick) with a crosshead-speed of 0,5mm/min until fracture (n=10). Fracture modes were examined visually and in some cases microscopally and divided into adhesive, cohesive and combined fractures. Results were statistically analyzed (ANOVA, Duncan's, pResults: In all groups with substructure material specimens were debonded adhesively at the porcelain/composite interface. Only in the group IPS Empress 2 plus Ceramic Repair half of the specimens failed cohesive in the substructure ceramic. In all groups with veneering material shear test showed cohesive fractures in the ceramic. In these cases shear bond strength of the composite resin was higher than the cohesive strength of the porcelain. The results show that CoJet-System achieves generally high bond strengths, in particular in regard with oxide ceramics Vita In-Ceram Alumina (26N/mm²) and Cercon base (16N/mm²) significantly higher bond strengths were noted.
Conclusion: Results indicate that silicoating and silanization represent a suitable treatment for the intraoral repair of the materials tested in this study.
Parole chiave: all-ceramic systems, ceramic repair systems, composites, bond strength
Poster 386, Lingua: IngleseJivanescu, Anca/Marcauteanu, Corina/Topala, Florin/Bratu, DorinChanging the shade, shape and position of individual teeth in the del archcan dramatically affect the appearance of our patients. With ceramic veneersthose changes are very conservative. This poster describes the estheticrehabilitation of the smile design of one female patient with bonded ceramicveneers .
Parole chiave: smile design, visualization, porcelain veneers
Poster 387, Lingua: IngleseEngl-Schmuecker, Jennifer/Gassmann, Georg/Petrie, Judith/Grimm, Wolf-DieterBackground: The formation of AGEs (Advanced Glycosylation Endproducts) has previously been shown to alter basement membranemacromolecules. Published findings (Lalla et al. 2003) demonstrate that theblockade of RAGEs (Receptor for AGEs) results in suppression of bothalveolar bone loss and markers of cellular activation/tissue-destructiveproperties. These data indicate that AGEs stimulate increased production ofprostaglandins by monocytes following LPS exposure. To test the hypothesisthat activation of RAGEs contributes to the pathogenesis ofdiabetes-associated periodontitis we used gingival biopsy samples forimmunohistochemical analysis in a clinical-controlled case study with 20periodontitis patients associated with diabetes and without systemicimplications.
Material and methods: The biopsy samples wereexamined immunohistochemically with a monoclonal antibody specific for AGEs,6D12. Quantifications of immunohistochemistry were then performed usingIMAGES J. For the two group comparison a 2-tailed student's t test was used.Additionally analysis of GCF samples (PGE2, IL-1 ß) and measurement ofserum PGE2, IL-1 ß were performed.
Results: Gingival tissuefrom periodontitis patients with diabetes type II demonstrated enhancedaccumulation of AGEs compared with non-diabetic periodontitis patients,especially surrounding epithelial and connective tissues (17% inexperimental group to 13% in controls).
Conclusions: Our data indicate thatan increased concentration of glycated proteins present in diabetics mayhave the potential to increase the monocytic secretion of PGE2 and IL-1ß in periodontitis patients with diabetes type II.
Parole chiave: periodontitis, diabetes, advanced glycosylation end products, receptor for advanced glycosylation end products, biopsy, immunohistochemistry