Poster 398, Lingua: IngleseKukletová, Martina/Ruzicka, Filip/Sedlácek, Ivo/Kuklová, Jarmila/Zácková, LenkaThe study was carried out to identify yeasts isolated from the dental plaque samples obtained from children affected with ECC. Isolated yeast colonies obtained from the dental plaque smears cultivated on MRS agar at 37° C in 5% CO2 atmosphere (N= 58) were characterized. To quantify yeasts, further samples of dental plaque (N=30) were smeared using sterile cotton swabs. The number of colony-forming units was calculated and assessed as strongly positive (+++), positive (++), and weakly positive (+). The species identification was established using morphological characteristics, characteristic growth on CHROMagar Candida, assimilation and fermentation tests (kits Auxalor 2 and ID 32C). Selected samples of cultivated colonies (N=10) were investigated in a scanning (SEM) electron microscope. Extracted primary teeth covered by dental plaque were investigated under SEM (N=20) and a transmission (TEM) electron microscope (N=10).
C. albicans (51 strains), C. tropicalis (4 strains) Rhodotorula rubra (1 strain) and C. dubliniensis (2 strains) were identified. SEM and TEM investigations confirmed the presence of C. albicans, both hyphal and budding forms were revealed. Candida albicans and further yeast strains are constant components of dental plaque in ECC affected children.
Parole chiave: dentistry, ECC, dental plaque, yeasts, TEM, SEM
Poster 399, Lingua: IngleseBekes, Katrin/Kobler, Annett/Gernhardt, Christian Ralf/Schaller, Hans-GünterObjectives: The purpose of this prospective randomized clinical study was to compare the clinical performance of the new self-etching adhesive system AdheSE One in combination with the composite Tetric Evo Ceram and the influence of the additional application of the flowable resin composite Tetric Flow after six months.
Methods: In 50 patients 25 class I and 75 class II cavities were placed with at least two restorations per patient. The adhesive system AdheSE One was used for all the restorations. In one of the two fillings in each patient, an additional layer of the flowable resin composite Tetric Flow was applied in the entire cavity and separately light-cured. The fillings were placed under rubber dam. All materials were used as recommended by the manufacturer. Two clinicians evaluated the restorations at baseline, two week following placement, and at the six month recall visit according to the modified clinical criteria of Ryge. For this sensitivity, hypersensitivity, marginal discoloration, marginal adaption, recurrent caries, surface, color match, proximal contact and filling integrity were considered. All data were analyzed by Man-Whitney-U-test.
Results: After six months all fillings could be re-examined. All teeth remained vital and did not show any signs of postoperative sensitivity. Marginal adaption code Bravo could be evaluated in four fillings (three with flowable liner, one without). In one tooth a filling integrity was scored as Bravo (without fowable liner). None of the one hundred teeth showed signs of secondary caries. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference between techniques for any of the evaluation criteria (p>0.05, Man-Whitney-U-test).
Conclusions: At this inital phase the use of a flowable composite showed no significant impact on the clinical performance of class-I and -II restorations. The self-etch adhesive AdheSE One might be a promising alternative to other systems. This study was supported by Ivoclar Vivadent, Germany.
Parole chiave: composite, flowables, self-conditioning bonding agent, clinical trial
Poster 400, Lingua: TedescoSchulz, Susanne/Zissler, Nico/Gläser, Christiane/Machulla, Helmut/Altermann, Wolfgang/Klapproth, Jana/Zimmermann, Uta/Schaller, Hans-Günter/Reichert, StefanPeriodontitis is considered to be a chronic inflammatory disorder. It is influenced by several environmental and genetic factors. Factors of the immune response and their genetic background have been proposed as potential markers for the susceptibility to this disease.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the importance of genomic variants of the potent receptor for bacterial LPS-LBP-complexes CD14 the incidence of chronic and aggressive periodontitis.
Patients and Methods: In the present study 111 periodontitis patients (chronic: n=51, mean age: 48.3+10y, 31.4% males; aggressive: n=60, mean age: 41.4+9.9y, 38.3% males) and 41 control probands without periodontitis (mean age: 43.8+11y, 41.5 % males) were included. Clinical parameter including smoking status, plaque and bleeding indexes, pocket depth and attachment loss were assessed. Subgingival bacterial colonization was analyzed molecular biologically using the micro-Ident® test (Hain-Diagnostik, Nehren). We investigated genotype, allele and haplotype frequencies of the CD14-promotor SNP c.-159C>T bResults: Hardy-Weinberg criteria were fulfilled for control probands without periodontitis. Bivariate statistical analyses showed that carrier of homozygote genotypes (CC and TT) had an increased risk for chronic periodontitis (Odds Ratio: 1.6, p=0.034, 95%-CI: 1.01-2.56).
Conclusions: Carriers of the homozygote genotypes CC and TT are at higher risk for chronic periodontitis. Heterozygote CT-carriers are characterised by a balanced CD14-expression and therefore moderate immune response. They are presumably better able to respond to periodontopathogens.
Parole chiave: Parodontitis, Cd14, Polymorphismus
Poster 401, Lingua: IngleseDominiak, Marzena/Lysiak-Drwal, Katarzyna/Solski, Leszek/Zywicka, Boguslawa/Pielka, Stanislaw/Konopka, TomaszObjective: The purpose of the study was histologic evaluation of healing process of the intraosseus defects in rabbits with or without using of GBR techniques after 6 months.
Material and methods: This reserch was performed on 12 adult white rabbits. The rabbits were divided into three groups for the sake of the way of intaosseus defects treatment (I- control group, II- Bio-Oss Collagen + Bio-Gide Perio, III- Bio-Oss Collagen + PRP).
Results and Conclusions: Usage of guide bone regeneration controlled after six months post augmentation caused increase of number of bone trabeculas in comparison with the control group. Biomaterial osteointegration process in second group was faster with less intensity of inflammatory reaction than in the third group, but in both cases this process was not finished.
Parole chiave: intraosseus defects, healing process, guided bone regeneration, animal studies
Poster 402, Lingua: IngleseHayashi, Hidekazu/Boeckler, Arne F./Rosado, Roy/Martin, William C./Ruskin, James D./Nakajima, Yasushi/Morton, DeanPurpose: Screw retention is recommended for implant supported and retained prostheses in the anterior maxilla. This is because machined components have improved fit charactersitics and excess cement removal is difficult when restorative margins are located greater than 2mm subgingivally. Recently, in order to increase predictability of an aesthetic result, restorative options have increased. The use of screw-retained customized abutments in conjunction with cement retained crowns is one of these options. This procedures is associated with several advantages. Machined components can be utilized deep in the ginigival sulcus and the cement line is moved coronally where it is readily accessible. The use of customized abutments also increases the degree of flexibility for the oro-facial implant axis, as restorative inclination can be modified in the abutment.It is common for the oro-facial implant axis to change between screw and cement retention. In other words, the oro-facial implant axis needs to be set up toward palatal side of the incisal edge for a screw retained implant prosthesis. On the other hand, the oro-facial implant axis of cement retained implant prostheses requires an implant axis that passes through the incisal edge. This gives a more ideal emergence profile and improves cement line location. The difference between these axes influences traditional contour (particularly emergence) of the prosthesis. Therefore, it is possible that differences the oro-facial implant axis (and the use of this inclination as a measureable parameter) may help in obtaining and predicting aesthetic treatment results. For this study, the angle between planned implant axis for screw and cement retention was measured using the Cone-Beam CT (CBCT) images.
Materials and Method: Adequate bone volume in the anterior maxilla is necessary for optimal restoration-based implant placement. Measurements were initially performed using CBCT images of maxillary central incisal areas characterized by an absence of periodontal disease or prosthesis. The angle formed between the axis of an implant planned for cement retention (Point A), and the axis of an implant planned for screw retention (Point B) was measured. Furthermore, the distance between the buccal alveolar crest (point C) and the palatal alveolar crest (point D) was measured.
Result and Conclusion: The oro-facial implant axis of implants planned for screw and cement retained prostheses was examined using the CBCT images of the normal maxillary central incisor region. Proceedings of the 3rd ITI Consensus Conference identified the optimal three-dimensional implant position. Accordingly, when the implant axis for screw retention inclines unfavorably in comparison to the implant axis for cement retention, the prosthesis tends to become a ridge-lap design with aesthetic compromise. The tolerance level of this angle made between implant axes planned for screw and cement retention is one of the important factors for ensuring a satisfactory emergence profile and optimal aesthetic result.
Parole chiave: Oro-facial Implant Axis, Anterior Maxilla, Cone-beam CT
Poster 403, Lingua: IngleseKlinke, Thomas/Zemmrich, Kathleen/Richter, Gerd/Haufe, Eva/Klimm, WolfgangObjectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the interfaces formed by three different adhesive luting systems between endodontic posts and root canal dentine.
Methods: A total of 120 extracted incisors and canines were treated endodontically and randomly divided into three groups of 40 specimens each. FRC Postec Plus posts (Ivoclar Vivadent, Liechtenstein) were inserted according to the manufacturers instructions using the following adhesive and luting systems (all Ivoclar Vivadent): Group 1: One-step total etching system Excite and Multicore Flow; Group 2: Two-step self-etching system AdheSe and Multicore Flow; Group 3: One-step self-etching system and luting resin Multilink Automix. After storage in 0.9% saline solution the teeth were sectioned longitudinally with a diamond saw at low speed and intense water coolant followed by acid etching. The specimens were evaluated by environmental SEM at cervical, middle and apical levels using morphological criteria. The data were statistically analyzed by means of Chi-square test.
Results: The formation of a complete hybrid layer along the entire root was observed in 52.5, 45 and 35% of the cases within the groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. There were significant differences between the groups in the cervical and middle third of the root. Deficiencies of the hybrid layer increased in apical direction, but statistical significance was only found in group 2. Cohesive defects of the post-dentine interface were not dependent on the material or the distance from the orifice. Corresponding to the imperfect hybrid layer, failures of the dentine-adhesive interface dominated in group 3; while in group 1 and 2 the adhesive-resin interface was more frequently disrupted.
Conclusions: The total etching system showed the best quality of bond zones, followed by the two-step and the one-step self-etching system.
Parole chiave: endodontic posts, ESEM, bonding systems, adhesion
Poster 404, Lingua: InglesePantucek, Lukáš/Kukletová, Martina/Halacková, Zdenka/Kuklová, Jarmila/Hollá, Lýdie IzakovicováThe aim of the study was to compare the oral health status of uncooperative anxious (A) and mentally retarded children (MR) treated under general anaesthesia in the period of 2002-2004 at the Stomatological Clinic, Medical Faculty in Brno.
The dental records of 141 children, 6-19-year-old (mean 11.16 years, SD 2.95) and 28 children 6-year-old and younger (mean 3.73, SD 1.41), were used, the data gathered and evaluated. Fisher exact test was applied to evaluate the significance of results. Children 6-19-year-old: MR (n=61) versus A (n=80): DMFT: 6.16, 4.94, DT: 5.16, 4.26, MT: 0.34, 0.19, FT: 0.61, 0.49, RI (%): 6.27, 7.52. In anxious children the number of teeth indicated for extraction was significantly higher both versus D-teeth (p = 0.0013) and versus erupted teeth (p = 0.005). Children 6-year-old and younger: MR (n=7) versus A (n=21): dmft: 7.57, 5.29 (p = 0.013), dt: 7.29, 4.9 (p = 0.0088), mt: 0.0, 0.29, ft: 0.29, 0.1, ri (%): 3.17, 2.38. In MR children the number of teeth indicated for extraction was significantly higher both versus d-teeth (p = 0.029) and versus erupted teeth (p = 0.00046).
The results of the study have demonstrated that there are statistically significant differences in the data on the oral health state between anxious children who are healthy and mentally retarded ones. In both groups the data are substantially higher than those of common population.
Parole chiave: dentistry, general anaesthesia, handicapped patient, DMFT
Poster 405, Lingua: IngleseGrundmann, Claus/Kirsch, Hans-Peter/Lessig, Rüdiger/Rötzscher, KlausThe identification of dead bodies in single cases and/or in mass disasters by dental means is based on the maceration of the jaws, photography, x-rays, x-ray examination andcomparison with AM-documents. According to the DVI Guide-Draft odontology sections, March, 21th, 2007 the poster shows a biologic method of maceration, digital photographs,digital x-ray techniques and comparison with anatomic files (remarks concerning individual methods of identification).
Parole chiave: forensic odontology, documentation, identification, maceration, photography, X-rays
Poster 406, Lingua: IngleseBrandt, Karolin Verena/Bekes, Katrin/Schaller, Hans-Günter/Gernhardt, Christian RalfObjectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of different bleaching agents and concentrations on microtensile bond strength of different dentin adhesives in class V cavities in vitro.
Methods: 135 freshly extracted third molars were included in this study. In all teeth cervical class V dentinal cavities were prepared also allowing the simulation of dentin perfusion. The specimens were randomly assigned to nine experimental groups of fifteen each: S0: Syntac/ control; S17: Syntac/ Perfect Bleach 17%; S38: Syntac/ Opalescence Xtra Boost 38%: X0: XP Bond/ control; X17: XP Bond/ Perfect Bleach 17%; X38: XP Bond/ Opalescence Xtra Boost 38%; F0: Futurabond NR/ control; F17: Futurabond NR/ Perfect Bleach 17%; F38: Futurabond NR/ Opalescence Xtra Boost 38%. Bleaching was performed 8 hours at 36°C for 7 days. Microtensile bond strength of the above mentioned bonding agents was measured using an universal testing machine.
Results: For the nine test series following tensile bond strengths were evaluated (mean values and standard deviations in MPa): Group S0: 25.89 (± 2.97); group S17: 21.44 (± 2.05); group S38: 17.09 (± 1.94); group X0: 22.15 (± 3.53); group X17: 18.99 (± 2.96); group X38: 14.61 (± 2.24); group F0: 16.25 (± 1.72); group F17: 12.95 (± 1.74); group F38: 12.91 (± 1.25). Statistical analysis showed a significant influence of the used dentin bonding agent and the bleaching agent on microtensile bond strength (pConclusions: Within the limitations of an in vitro investigation it can be concluded that the pretreatment of dentin using high concentrated bleaching agents might affect tensile bond strength of the dentin adhesives tested.
Parole chiave: dentin, bonding agents, bleaching, bond strength
Poster 407, Lingua: IngleseMohs, Tobias/Wappler, Per/Bekes, Katrin/Schaller, Hans-Günter/Gernhardt, Christian RalfObjectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate microtensile bond strength between different ceramics (Empress (lithium-disilicated based all ceramic, Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) and Cercon (zirconia based ceramic, Degussa, Hanau, Germany) and a light- and self-curing resin cement (Bifix, Voco, Cuxhaven, Germany) in combination with the light or self-curing dentin adhesive system Futurabond NR (Voco, Germany).
Methods: Sixty ceramic blocks (30 Empress, 30 Cercon) were made with standardized dimensions (length 5 mm, diameter 1 mm). Ninety freshly extracted third molars were included in this study. All teeth were specially prepared allowing the simulation of dentin perfusion. The specimens were randomly assigned to six experimental groups of fifteen each: Group O-l: Bifix, light-curing (Control Group); group O-s: Bifix, self-curing (Control Group); group C-l: Bifix, Cercon, light-curing; group C-s: Bifix, Cercon, self-curing; group E-l: Bifix, Empress, light-curing; group E-s: Bifix, Empress, self-curing. Microtensile bond strength of the above mentioned material combinations was measured using an universal testing machine.
Results: For the six test series following tensile bond strengths were evaluated (mean values and standard deviations in MPa): Group O-l: 24.56 (± 7.63); group O-s: 14.25 (± 3.48); group C-l: 23.18 (± 4.00); group C-s: 15.58 (± 2.38); group E-l: 22.56 (± 4.46); group E-s: 15.93 (± 3.67). Statistical analysis showed a significant influence of the used curing modality on micrcrotensile bond strength (pConclusions: Regardless of the curing modality, it was possible to establish bond strengths in every experimental group. Nevertheless, in the self-curing groups significant lower bond strength were evaluated.
Parole chiave: dentin, resin cements, tensile bond strength, ceramics
Poster 408, Lingua: TedescoBeier, Ulrike Stephanie/Sander, Andreas/Dumfahrt, HerbertDiamond burs of various manufactors with the same shape and grit of ISO-classification show differences in cutting efficiancy and signs of wear. This study sought to compare the cutting efficiancy of different diamond burs after 10 to 40 min of continious operation.
Two groups of diamont burs with different diameter were set up. Group 1 contained 8 burs with similar cylindrical shape, diameter of 1,6mm and diamond coarseness (105-125 μm grit) of different manufactors. One of the evaluated burs had additional cooling grooves. Group 2 contained 11 burs with similar cylindrical shape, diameter of 1,2mm and diamond coarseness (105-125 μm grit) of different manufactors. Two of the evaluated burs had additional cooling grooves. Five burs of each type have been selected. They were evaluated using a high-speed handpiece set at 200000 RPM with a coolant flow rate of 50 ml/min mounted on a custom testing device. The burs were tested under constant load (152g+2g) while performing cuts on standardized 99,5% pure Al2O3 ceramic block (AD-995, Coors Tek Inc.) Each bur was subjected to four consecutive cuts for 10 to 40 min continious operation. Cutting efficiancy was measured in milimeters by dephts in the ceramic blocks. The mean wear rates were determined for five burs of each type and compared with analysis of variance with p
Parole chiave: Diamantierte Schleifkörper, Standfestigkeit, Schleifleistung
Poster 409, Lingua: IngleseRettig, Claudia/Bekes, Katrin/Schaller, Hans-Günter/Gernhardt, Christian RalfObjectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate microtensile bond strength of a self-etching and dual-curing dentin adhesive (Futurabond DC) in comination with different light- and self-curing resins (Rebilda, Grandio, Tetric Ceram, Clearfil Core, Multicore) on perfused dentin in vitro.
Methods: 105 freshly extracted molars, stored in saline for a maximum of fourteen days after extraction were included. All teeth were specially prepared allowing the simulation of dentin perfusion. Dentin specimens with a total thickness of 3.5 mm were obtained under standardized conditions. The specimens were randomly assigned to seven experimental groups of fifteen samples each:
Group 1: Futurabond/ Rebilda (light-curing),
Group 2: Futurabond/ Grandio (light-curing),
Group 3: Futurabond/ Tetric Ceram (light-curing),
Group 4: Futurabond/ Rebilda (self-curing),
Group 5: Futurabond/ Clearfil Core (self-curing),
Group 6: Futurabond/ MultiCore (self-curing),
Group 7: AdHeSE/ Multicore (self-curing).
Microtensile bond strength was measured 15 minutes after application an universal testing machine.
Results: For the seven test series following microtensile bond strengths were evaluated (mean value and standard deviation in MPa): Group 1: 12.44 (± 3.32); group 2: 24.51 (± 5.16); group 3: 14.34 (± 3.69); group 4: 8.87 (± 1.01); group 5: 23.53 (± 6.27); group 6: 3.79 (± 1.12); group 7: 21.19 (± 3.73). Futurabond DC in combination with Grandio (group 2) and Clearfil Core (group 5) showed the highest bond strengths (pConclusions: It can be concluded that all bonding agents used in this study were able to establish bond strength on perfused dentin. Futurabond DC used with light-polymerizing resins showed well bond strengths in all groups (1, 4, 5). In combination with self-polymerizing resins different bond strengths were evaluated.
Parole chiave: dentin, bonding agents, composite materials, adhesive, tensile bond strength
Poster 410, Lingua: TedescoReichert, Stefan/Machulla, Helmut/Klapproth, Jana/Zimmermann, Uta/Schaller, Hans-Günter/Schulz, SusanneIL-12 and interferon-gamma in relation to aggressive and chronic periodontitis.
Background: The gene polymorphisms interferon-gamma (IFN-g) 874 T/A and interleukin-12 (IL-12) 1188 A/C have been associated with altered cytokine production. Both polymorphisms could be indicative for periodontitis because IFN-g and IL-12 are necessary for the optimal production of specific antibodies against periodontopathic bacteria. In this study we analyzed these polymorphisms in patients with generalized aggressive (AP) and generalized chronic (CP) periodontitis. Moreover, we assessed the relationship between these polymorphisms and the presence of five periodontopathic bacteria.
Methods: A total of 114 unrelated German Caucasians with periodontitis (AP=67, CP=47) and 50 periodontitis-free controls were included. Gene polymorphisms were determined by PCR-SSP. Subgingival bacteria were molecular biologically analyzed using micro-Ident test. Distributions of alleles and genotypes were calculated by Chi²-Test with Yates' correction. If nResults: Considering age, gender, smoking and plaque level an increased odds ratio (OR=2.4, p=0.035) for AP was revealed for subjects with the TA genotype of IFN-g. In contrary, IFN-g AA was associated with a decreased odds ratio (OR=0.4, p=0.034) of detecting Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans after adjustment for age, gender, smoking, and pocket depth on the microbial test sites.
Conclusion: The data suggest that IFN-g 874 TA which is known as "intermediate interferon-g producer" is a putative risk indicator for generalized aggressive periodontitis.
Parole chiave: chronische Parodontitis, aggressive Parodontitis, Interleukin-12, Interferon-gamma, Genpolymorphismen