Poster 899, Lingua: IngleseVerma, Jayeeta / Padhye, Leena / Verma, SidharthThe way to a man's heart is through his stomach. An army marches on its feet. Many other such cliches center around one of life's necessities - eating. But for eating, teeth are mandatory. Thus it is essential to protect our teeth from the various chemical insults, which may lead to erosion.Dental erosion is irreversible loss of tooth structure due to chemical dissolution by acids, not of bacterial origin.
Critical pH of the Mouth is 5.5. Indian cuisine consists of many spices which can lowers the pH of the mouth; dissolving the protective outer layer of the teeth. This study determines pH of the Indian spices like turmeric, red chillies, hing, dhaniya powder etc. The information could be considered useful when advising patients who eat Indian curries about causes of acid erosion of their teeth.
Parole chiave: Spices, Dental Erosion
Poster 900, Lingua: IngleseNoack, Michael J.Objectives: To evaluate the disinfecting effect of sodium hypochlorite during partial caries excavation of deciduous teeth in vitro. Counts of microorganisms in dentin samples served as primary endpoint.
Methods: 12 freshly extracted primary teeth from children with early childhood caries were sectioned in three parts and one of each part was treated as follows within two hours after extraction: 1. partial caries excavation (PE), 2. partial caries excavation with 1% NaOCl (PEC) and 3. complete caries excavation (CE) as a positive control. A round bur in a torque controlled handpiece was used for the excavation procedures under simulated clinical conditions at a room temperature of 37°C. Prior to collecting the dentinal debris, samples were rinsed with 65 ml ringer lactate. Vortexed dentin samples were anaerobically grown on blood agar for total viable counts and MSB and Rogosa agar for mutans streptococci and lactobacilli species respectively.
Results: Compared to the CE group total viable counts were significantly higher in the PE and lower in the PEC group (p0.05). In the PEC group three samples showed no bacterial growth, lactobacilli were not identified in 11 samples and mutans streptococci were not found at all. In the CE group a relevant amount of cfu was detected on every culture media.
Conclusions: Application of sodium hypochlorite during partial caries excavation will disinfect the remaining dentine more effectively than complete caries excavation and should be considered as a clinical standard like it is for root canal treatment.
Parole chiave: excavation, Carious dentin, disinfection, Oral Pathogenic Bacteria, sodium hypochlorite
Poster 901, Lingua: IngleseGrover, Shilpa / Tewari, ShikhaIdiopathic Plasmacytosis - A case reportIdiopathic plasmacytosis (IP) is a rare benign inflammatory condition of gingiva of unknown etiology characterized by massive infiltration of plasma cells into the sub-epithelial gingival tissue. The classical presentation of IP includes painless, diffuse, erythematous and papillary lesion of the gingiva with a sharp demarcation along the mucogingival border. It mimics clinical presentation of mucous membrane pemphigoid, pemphigus, erosive lichen planus, squamous cell carcinoma or allergic gingivostomatitis. Thus, diagnosis of idiopathic plasmacytosis depends on clinical pathological correlation. A proper diagnosis and effective treatment strategy is must for successful management of IP. This presentation highlights a rare case of an 18 yrs. old male with chief complaints of painful gums and swollen lips since two years. Clinical and histopathological examination led to the diagnosis of IP. Scaling and root planing was performed and antihistaminic (cetrizine 10 mg daily for 15 days) was prescribed. Within a period of 8 months, patient reported just once with slight swelling in upper lip and poor oral hygiene. Again scaling and root planing was done and antihistaminic (for 15 days) was prescribed to the patient. Then patient reported after 2 years with poor oral hygiene, abundant plaque and painful bright red inflammed gingiva. Oral prophylaxis was performed and systemic corticosteroids were prescribed for 1 month followed by antihistaminics for 1 month. Patient was followed up to 2 yrs. without any recurrence. The objective of this presentation is to raise awareness of idiopathic plasmacytosis as a rare differential diagnosis for oral ulceration and its macroscopic similarity to malignancy.
Parole chiave: Benign, Idiopathic, Plasma cells, Scaling, Antihistaminics, Corticosteroids
Poster 902, Lingua: IngleseArnold, Christin / Mansour, Sonia / Setz, Jürgen M. / Boeckler, Arne F.Objectives: Patient's satisfaction and adequate function of removable partial dentures [RPD] highly depend on the retention of the prosthesis. A telescopic overdenture is retained by secondary crowns that cover tooth-supported fixed copings. The retention of telescopic crowns [TC] depends on material, design and fit of the framework over the copings. The aim of this in-vitro-study is to compare different materials and designs of telescopic crowns.
Methods: 3 groups each containing 5 specimens were tested (n=15): 1. Zirconia copings [ZC] with non-precious metal TC and gold friction-pins, 2. high-noble metal copings (0°) and TC [T] and 3. high-noble metal copings (6°) and TC [K]. A canine-supported mandibular overdenture was constructed. Each system was attached to the prosthesis and initial retention forces as well as after artificial aging (50,000 chewing cycles, 15,000 insertion-removal cycles) were measured. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 20.0 (Mann-Whitney-U-test, p0.05).
Results: The initial mean retention forces [IF] for ZC (12.23N) were significantly higher than the IF of T and K. But the IF of T (9.62N) were significantly higher (p0.001) than the IF of K (6.03N). After artificial aging T and K showed a significant decrease of retention forces (T:69.75%, K:47.27%; p0.001), but were not significantly different from each other (p=0.800). Whereas, the retention forces of ZC were not affected by aging (p=0.857).
Conclusion: The retention forces of high-noble metal TC decreased significantly after aging, but were still within clinically acceptable function. Therefore, the design had an effect on the wear. Within the limitations of an in-vitro-study the clinical use of zirconia telescopic crowns with gold-friction pins can be recommended based on the continuous retention forces.
Parole chiave: telescopic crowns, overdenture, retention forces, wear, CAD/CAM, zirconia
Poster 903, Lingua: IngleseBoeckler, Arne F. / Tsita, Vasiliki / Arnold, Christin / Mansour, Sonia / Setz, JürgenObjectives: Restorative-driven implant-placement requires a continuous diagnostic treatment-planning before the surgery. The implant design and position can be planned digitally using a CT-scan with a radio-opaque stent as well as special software. The aim is to make a surgical template for guided and therefore predictable implant-placement.
This in-vitro-study compares the precision of different implant-planning software programs in combination with the corresponding surgical templates regarding to the implant position in the edentulous mandible.
Methods: 30 radio-opaque resin-based mandibles with elastic mucosa (n=30) were used to test three different implant-planning software programs (SimPlant, Materialise Dental; coDiagnostiX, Straumann; SKYplanX, Bredent). The mandibles were standardized prepared for six reference pins (titanium) and scanned (CT, Multisclice Somatom Sensation, Siemens) with the system-specific radio-opaque stent. Each system was used to plan 4 implants (Standard plus, RN, Ø4,1mm, 10mm, Straumann) in the position of tooth #21, 23, 26, 28, manufacture the surgical stents and place the implants guided. A post-operative CT-scan was made and the measurements of both CT-scans were statistically analyzed (t-test, p0.05)
Results: Measurements were made from the neck and the apex of each implant to each reference pin. The placed implants had the highest deviation at the neck and the apex for SimPlant (0.61mm, 0.71mm) and the lowest for SKYplanX (0.47mm, 0.38mm). There was no significant difference between pre- and post-operative measurements (SimPlant p=0.14; coDiagnostiX p=0.2; SKYplanX p=0.31) as well as between the three systems.
Conclusion: The results of this in-vitro-study show low deviation for the three software programs between planned and actual implant position. Thus, the precision of guided implant placement in the edentulous mandible depends on the stability of the surgical stent.
Parole chiave: implants, edentulous mandible, computer guided surgery, 3D navigation
Poster 904, Lingua: IngleseMaurício, Paulo Durão / Martins, Francisco / Simeonova, Ema / Reis, José AlexandreObjective: Study the dimensional changes on gypsum casts poured with 2 addition silicones and a polyether, after the impressions were steam autoclave sterilized and stored.
Material and Methods: 2 commercial brands of addition silicones and a polyether were used in an automatic mixing machine, Pentamix 2 (3M ESPETM): Aquasil Ultra DECATM Monophase (Dentsply); Normosil Adición Putty Fast (Normon©); ImpregumTM PentaTM Soft Polyether Impression Material (3M ESPETM).
10 samples of each impression material were obtained with a metallic matrix from ADA Specification n° 19 (1977) and ISO 4823:1989. The matrix was filled up with each impression material. They were didvided into 2 groups: A subjected to chemical disinfection with sodium hypochlorite 5.25% for 10 minutes; and B were submitted to autoclaving at 134°C for 25 minutes, in addition to the disinfection.
The gypsum casts were made from each sample: after the procedure, 24 hours, at two weeks and at 6 months, and measured with a digital caliper. We measured three master lines in each cast, a), b) and c).
Results: The Aquasil Ultra DECATM Monophase (Dentsply) casts had the most similar dimensions to the matrix. The Normosil Adición Putty Fast (Normon©) casts showed the most evident differences.
Conclusion: The studied impression materials suffered dimensional changes. However, according to the ADA Specification n° 19 (1977) these changes aren't significant for they don't exceed 0,5%. There for we have come to the conclusion that these materials can be submitted to steam autoclave sterilization and stored for a long time.
Parole chiave: Dimensional changes, Disinfection/sterilization, Gypsum products and Impression materials
Poster 905, Lingua: IngleseAlzahrani, Talal Mohammad / Gschwandtner, Tamara / Spintzyk, Sebastian / Schille, Christine / Geis-Gerstorfer, JürgenIntroduction: Due to a similar coefficient of thermal expansion of the dental materials titanium and zirconia the veneering porcelain Triceram is recommended to be used for both substrate materials. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of 3 different veneering thicknesses on the resulting biaxial bond strength to titanium and zirconia.
Material & Methods: From each material 30 discs with a diameter of 12 mm and a thickness of 0.8 mm were veneered with a thickness of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mm, respectively, using a special positioning device. With each specimen 5 firings (opaque 1 and 2, dentin 1 and 2, glaze; furnace: Dekema) were done according to the manufacturer's instructions. The biaxial bond strength test was performed on the basis of ISO 6872 using a universal testing machine (Zwick Z010, Ulm; software testexpert V12) with a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. With all samples the veneered part was put on the balls and the biaxial bond strength for bilayered piston-on-three-ball discs was calculated [1] and, the Weibull modulus was determined.
Results: The biaxial bond strength for 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mm veneering thickness was 193±43, 205±46 and 170±25 MPa for titanium/Triceram and, 187±46, 155±43 and 132±44 MPa for zirconia/Triceram. The Weibull modulus ranged from 5.5, 5.1 to 8.1 for titanium and, 5.0, 4.1 to 2.9 for zirconia.
Conclusion: The veneering porcelain Triceram revealed higher bond strength characteristics with titanium compared to zirconia. Similar bond strength values could be found with 1.0 and 1.5 mm porcelain thickness, whereas 2.0 mm showed significantly lower values.
Parole chiave: Titanium, Zirconia, Bilayer, Biaxial Bond strength
Poster 906, Lingua: IngleseVale, Francisco Fernandes / Amaral, Miguel / Veiga, Germano / Caramelo, FranciscoResearch of an apparatus and method for the distraction and supporting of tissues, that requires two degrees of freedom, which operates in a programmable and autonomous fashion. The programmable and autonomous distractor comprises the anchoring rods and the body of distraction, which includes the external structure, the electric motors, the control unit that allows progressive and automatic distraction, the communication unit that allows a customizable programming of the device and the power supply required for the operation. The distractor may be implantable and in the case of the mandible is applied intra-oral and its anchoring is done directly on the teeth, preferably, between the first molar and the first premolar.
Protection of the invention by submitting a patent (20121000038753)
Parole chiave: distraction osteogenesis, mandibular distractor
Poster 907, Lingua: Tedesco, IngleseLorenz, Jonas Michael / Schlee, Markus / Lerner, Henriette / Barbeck, Mike / Sader, Robert / Ghanaati, ShahramZielsetzung: Ziel der Untersuchung war es, ein paströses b-TCP basiertes Knochenersatzmaterial zur Socket Preservation und Sinusbodenaugmentation klinisch und histologisch zu untersuchen. Präsentiert werden erste Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen Studie.
Material und Methoden: Nach einem standardisierten Studienprotokoll werden Alveolen von Frontzähnen und Prämolaren nach deren Extraktion mit einer b- TCP-basierten Knochenersatzmaterialpaste (Cersaorb®
Paste, Curasan, Kleinostheim, Deutschland) gefüllt, und das Augmentat mit einer Kollagenmembran abgedeckt. Zudem wird bei reduziertem vertikalem Knochenangebot im Oberkieferseitenzahnbereich eine Sinusbodenaugmentation mit dem gleichen Material durchgeführt. Nach einer Integrationsphase von drei Monaten folgt die Implantation im Bereich der augmentierten Alveole/ augmentiertem Sinus mit der Entnahme einer Trepanbohrung zur histologischen und histomorphometrischen Untersuchung. Zudem erfolgt eine klinische Untersuchung der inserierten Implantate hinsichtlich der Implantatverankerung im augmentierten Alveolarknochen und der erzielten Rot-Weiß Ästhetik.
Ergebnisse: In der Anwendung überzeugte die Knochenersatzmaterialpaste durch sehr gute Handhabung und vereinfachte Applikation. Zudem ist eine vollständige Füllung der Alveole/ des subantralen Raums durch die Adhäsion und Fließfähigkeit der Paste gegeben. Die histologische und histomorphometrische Untersuchung der Knochenersatzmaterialpaste in einer präklinischen in vivo Untersuchung im Tiermodell zeigt eine zweiphasige Anordnung des Augmentationsmaterials in einen inneren Kern und einen äußeren Ring, der verfrühten Bindegewebseinwuchs verhindert. Zudem zeigten sich neu aussprossende Gefäße und keine Anzeichen einer Entzündungs- oder Fremdkörperreaktion auf das Biomaterial im Augmentationsbett.
Schlussfolgerung: Erste Ergebnisse der zur Socketpreservation und Sinusbodenaugmentation verwendeten Knochenersatzmaterialpaste zeigen sowohl in den bisherigen klinischen als auch in in vivo Untersuchungen eine sehr gute Eignung zur Augmentation nach Extraktion nicht erhaltungswürdiger Zähne sowie für Sinusbodenaugmentation bei reduziertem vertikalem Knochenangebot im Oberkieferseitenzahnbereich. Sowohl Applikation als auch Handhabung sind durch die pastöse Darreichung erleichtert. Histologisch zeigt sich eine gute Gewebeintegration, ausgiebige Gefäßneubildung und keine Anzeichen einer Fremdkörperreaktion.
Parole chiave: b-TCP, Knochenersatzmaterial, Socket Preservation, Sinusbodenaugmentation, Fremdkörperreaktion
Poster 908, Lingua: Tedesco, IngleseLorenz, Jonas Michael / Barbeck, Mike / Schlee, Markus / Lerner, Henriette / Sader, Robert / Ghanaati, Shahramin vivo Untersuchung der GewebereaktionZielsetzung: Ziel der Untersuchung war es, zwei xenogene Knochenersatzmaterialien (Bio-Oss®, BO und BEGO Oss®, BGO) mit unterschiedlichen Herstellungsverfahren und Materialcharakteristika zu vergleichen.
Material und Methoden: Zu diesem Zweck wurden beide Materialien subkutan in CD-1 Mäuse für 60 Tage implantiert und anschließend histologisch und histomorphometrisch untersucht. Ein besonderes Augenmerk lag bei der Untersuchung auf der Implantatbettvaskularisierung, der Biomaterialintegration sowie einer möglichen Riesenzellformation und Entzündungsreaktion
Ergebnisse: Beide Materialien zeigten eine gute Gewebeintegration und keine Anzeichen einer Abstoßungsreaktion. In beiden Gruppen war eine zunehmende Vaskularisierung des Implantationsbettes über die gesamte Studiendauer nachzuweisen. Im Implantationsbett von BO zeigte sich lediglich in der frühen Phase nach Implantation (Tag 10) eine vermehrte Präsenz mehrkerniger Riesenzellen im Bereich kleinerer Knochenersatzmaterialgranula, welche aber ab Tag 15 wieder auf einen Minimalwert sank. Im Bereich der großvolumigeren Granula bestand die zelluläre Reaktion vorwiegend aus mononukleären Zellen. Dem gegenüber zeigte sich im Implantationsbett von BGO eine ab Tag 10 beginnende Formation mehrkerniger Riesenzellen, welche bis zum Ende der Untersuchung konstant aufrechterhalten wurde.
Schlussfolgerung: Die unterschiedlichen zellulären Mechanismen hinsichtlich der Migration von Fremdkörperriesenzellen in das jeweilige Implantationsbett scheinen bei den untersuchten Materialien gleichen Ursprungs auf verschiedene Prozessierungsschritte zurückzuführen zu sein. Vor allem die Sintertemperatur, welche bei der Herstellung von BGO deutlich über der von BO liegt scheint dabei einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die zelluläre Reaktion zu haben. Weitere Untersuchungen sind nötig, um die genaue Differenzierung und Einordnung von mehrkernigen Riesenzellen, ihre mögliche osteoklastische Funktion und die
Wechselwirkung mit physikochemischen Materialcharakteristika genauer zu untersuchen.
Parole chiave: Knochenersatzmaterialien, Bio-Oss, BEGO Oss, xenogen, Fremdkörperreaktion
Poster 909, Lingua: IngleseSehgal, PrachiManagement of peripheral ossifying FibromaPeripheral ossifying fibroma is a solitary growth on the gingiva considered to originate from the periodontal ligament. It is non-neoplastic inflammatory response of connective tissue to minimal amount of local factors. Though clinically similar to Pyogenic Granuloma, it is important to differentiate the lesions. Clinical and radiographic examination followed by histopathogical examination is crucial for its final diagnosis.
Presenting a case report of 28 yr old female patient, reported to the department of periodontics and oral implantology with chief complaint of painless swelling in lower front region which recurred after 7 months. This pedunculated, fibrous growth was excised in toto with meticulous root planning and curettage. Specimen was sent for histopathological examination which revealed the diagnosis of peripheral ossifying fibroma
Parole chiave: peripheral ossifying fibroma, non-inflammatory, curette, scaling, root planing, surgical excision, recurrence