Poster 2325, Lingua: IngleseChib, Adhishree Singh / Gupta, Anil / Garg, Shalini / Joshi, Sakshi / Srivastava, Ankit / Dogra, ShikhaIntroduction: Twice daily toothbrushing with fluoridated toothpaste is recommended as a cost-effective and clinically effective means of reducing caries for all the dentate children. Effective tooth brushing prevents dental plaque and caries and thus helps in oral hygiene maintenance. The choice of toothpaste by children has been attributed to smell, taste, and colour of the toothpaste. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the factors responsible for selecting a particular toothpaste in terms of taste and smell amongst children 6-8 years of age.
Materials and Methods: An observational study with a convenience sample of 100 children from the private schools of Gurugram in the age group of 6-8 years was carried out. A validated questionnaire was completed by the school children regarding factors such as the influence of family, media, and the dentist as well as the flavour, colour, and packaging of toothpaste that affect children's perspective in choosing a toothpaste. The preference of flavour in their toothpaste was also sought.
Results: The results of the study revealed that the flavour (73%) of a toothpaste was the major factor associated with toothpaste choice from the children's perspective, followed by toothpaste colour (67%), with strawberry (35%) being the most preferred flavour followed by mango (30%).
Parole chiave: Toothpaste choice, flavour of toothpaste, factors affecting toothpaste selection
Poster AwardPoster 2327, Lingua: IngleseKuduva Ramesh, Shilpa Shree / Sadaksharam, Jayachandran / Jayaram, VidyaRole of Radiology in Forensic OdontologyTeeth are the hardest part of the body and can be preserved for a long time after death without any gross changes. The most reliable and simplest method to calculate the age is through the teeth, whether living or dead, rather than skeletal remains, especially when they are in worse condition. Age estimation through teeth dentin can be done by many methods, such as biochemical, morphological, radiological and recently by spectroscopic methods like Raman Spectroscopy by analyzing the spectra of apical dentin. There are both metric and non-metric methods. The radiological method is broadly used as it is non-invasive, simple, and does not need extraction of teeth, especially in the living individual. As the pulp cavity diminishes in size in increasing age due to the deposition of secondary dentine, it can be used for age determination. The correlation between the reduction of the coronal pulp cavity and the chronological age can be assessed through panoramic radiography. The possibility to have all teeth of both dental arches on one film unquestionably represents an advantage. One can also compare the Tooth Coronal Index and pulp tooth ratio trend of all groups of teeth in the same individual. Race, ethnicity, and lifestyle affect the quality of secondary dentin deposition. Hence, this poster highlights Tooth the Coronal Index and pulp tooth ratio for age estimation and how it worked for Indian populations through a systematic review of the literature.
Parole chiave: Forensic, teeth, secondary dentin, coronal index, age, pulp
Poster 2332, Lingua: IngleseGoedicke-Padligur, Gisela / Schmidt, Peter / Schulte, Andreas GerhardIntroduction: Children with infantile brain damage suffer from impaired functions of orofacial muscles, sensitivity of the oral mucosa, swallowing reflex, closure of mouth, and lateral movement of the tongue. This case report describes the successful therapy of a child with infantile brain damage with the aid of oral stimulation plates.
Background: About 30 years ago Castillo-Morales described the successful application of a stimulation therapy in children with Down Syndrome. Clinical experience showed that this therapy can also be applied in children exhibiting a hypertonic tongue.
Case Report: A 10-year-old girl with infantile brain damage presented in January 2018 in our department. The medical history comprised linguistic and mental retardation, body coordination problems, and PEG feeding. In the oral cavity excessive reflexes, increased salivation, infantile swallowing pattern, tongue protrusion, and reduced lateral movement of the tongue were observed. In March 2018, two oral stimulation plates with dorso-lateral stimulation elements (one on the right and one on the left side) were produced to improve these impaired functions. The patient was asked to wear the plates alternatively twice a day for 30 minutes each.
Follow Up: In December 2018 and August 2019, the stimulation plates had to be re-produced due to growth of the jaw. The last examination was in February 2020.
Conclusion: Because of this therapy, distinct reductions in the girl's hypersalivation was observed. In addition, for the parents brushing the child's teeth became much easier. It is recommended to try this therapy more often in children with infantile brain damage or cerebral palsy.
Parole chiave: Castillo-Morales, infantile brain damage, hypersalivation, orofacial therapy, stimulation plates
Poster 2334, Lingua: IngleseAgarwal, Varsha / Gupta, Ambika / Singh, Harneet / Redhu, AnjuPapillon-Lefèvre syndrome is a very rare syndrome of autosomal recessive inheritance characterised by palmar plantar hyperkeratosis and early onset of a severe destructive periodontitis leading to premature loss of both primary and permanent dentition. It exhibits a prevalence of one to four per million people in the population, and carriers are thought to be present in two to four per thousand persons. Accelerated periodontitis appears to be caused by defects in neutrophil function and multiple immune-related mechanisms. Genetic studies revealed mutation and loss of function of the Cathepsin C gene.
This poster presents a case report of a 14-year-old boy who complained of loose teeth and discomfort in chewing along with recurrently swollen, friable, and receding gums, with a review of literature. The features are very representative and hence earmarked for the poster.
Parole chiave: Papillon-Lèfevre Disease, periodontitis, palmoplantar, keratosis, neutrophil defect, Cathepsin C
Poster 2341, Lingua: IngleseM, Archana / Sadaksharam, JayachandranBackground: Oral cancer is a debilitating disease associated with metastasis and a high mortality rate. It is the sixth most common cancer with increasing prevalence, with the majority being oral squamous cell carcinoma. Nanotechnology gives the possibility of intracellular imaging through attachment of quantum dots or synthetic chromophores to selected molecules like proteins, thereby allowing a close monitoring of intracellular biochemical activities. Nanoparticles usually target cells by receptor-mediated binding or endocytosis, and a nanoparticle surface modified with a ligand can efficiently bind with target cells. Surface functionalisation of gold nanoparticles by conjugation with a specific agent such as a peptide, antibody, and protein has been proposed for diagnosis and thermo-phototherapy of cancer cells.
Objectives: This review aimed to provide insight on the current status and potential clinical applications of nanotechnology in the diagnosis of oral cancer.
Materials and methods: The PubMed/ MEDLINE, EMBASE and CENTRAL databases were searched for works published from January 2005 to June 2020 using keywords "oral cancer diagnosis and nanotechnology". Original prospective and retrospective clinical studies were included. Only articles published in the English language were selected. Bibliographies from previous systematic reviews on the topic were also analysed. Articles for which full text could not be recovered, commentaries, editorials, and debates were excluded. A total of 10 articles were included in this review.
Discussion and Conclusion: The results have been presented in a tabulated format in the poster. Nano-based diagnostic methods using quantum dots, gold nanoparticles, nano biochips, plasmonic nanosensors, and nanorobots seem to be promising tools to provide rapid and real-time diagnosis for oral cancer. However, the methodologies and clinical results vary within and between each of the studies included in this review. Therefore, it is difficult to conclude and support the superiority of one diagnostic method over another. Further well-designed medium to long term studies are required to define the benefit of nanotechnology in the early diagnosis of oral cancer with good clinical results.
Parole chiave: Nanotechnology, oral cancer, diagnosis
Poster 2345, Lingua: IngleseGangawane, Aishwarya Avinash / Santhosh Kumar, S N / Singh, Manju / Malankar, Tanvi Eknath / Shah, Sonal BhaveshIntroduction: Oral sub mucous fibrosis is a common potentially malignant condition affecting around 8.06 % of the population in India. These patients usually complain of limited mouth opening and a burning sensation while eating. Normally, such patients are managed surgically, adopting the Borle et al. protocol. These protocols usually provide satisfactory results in the majority of patients. Some patients, however, may require adjuvant procedures. This poster highlights masseter myotomy as an adjuvant procedure for the management of OSMF.
Case report: A 31-year-old patient reported with a chief complaint of reduced mouth opening for the previous 2 years. Examination revealed mouth opening of 12mm and type 4 OSMF. This necessitated surgical management comprised of bilateral fibrotomy and coronoidectomy. Despite this, the mouth opening was 30mm. Therefore, masseter myotomy was performed; mouth opening of 34mm was achieved, following which the fibrotomy defect was resurfaced with a bi-winged nasolabial flap.
Results: Even after 7 months of post-operative follow up, the patient is exhibiting a satisfactory mouth opening of 36mm.
Conclusion: Masseter myotomy is a fair adjuvant procedure to treat severe cases of OSMF.
Parole chiave: Oral submucous fibrosis, Surgical management, Masseter Myotomy
Poster 2348, Lingua: IngleseMehta, Jay Sanjay / Panda, Anup Kumar / Jani, Jina / Shukla, Balraj / Kevadiya, MiliAn attractive smile plays a major role in the overall perception of physical attractiveness. This public demand for a whiter smile and improved aesthetics has made tooth whitening popular. Consequently, parents and news media request information on dental whitening for children and adolescents. Since bleaching is conservative, non-invasive, and inexpensive, it is the most opted treatment protocol by the masses. Discoloured teeth can often be totally or partially corrected by bleaching. Lot of agents and techniques are available for bleaching, but all of them directly or indirectly involve hydrogen peroxide. Higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide is always tagged with its own side effects. Several attempts have been made to achieve better bleaching results with various agents by reducing the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. One such attempt is to lower the concentration of hydrogen peroxide by using vegetative enzymes as an additive to achieve the desired results. These enzymes in addition to hydrogen peroxide promote and accelerate the bleaching effect. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme found in pineapple (Ananas comosus). The enzymes added to the experimental bleaching solution reduce the activation energy of hydrogen peroxide and at the same time increase the rate of release of free radicals. The poster depicts about additive effect of pineapple extract when used along with hydrogen peroxide on stained human primary teeth when compared to the use of hydrogen peroxide without any additives.
Parole chiave: Bleaching, pineapple extract, bromelain, human primary teeth, hydrogen peroxide
Poster 2349, Lingua: TedescoKevadiya, Mili / Panda, Anup Kumar / Virda, Mira / Shukla, Balraj / Mehta, Jay SanjayThe study population consists of 50 children of age 6-9 years who require LA administration. They were randomly divided into control and experimental groups. The level of pain in each child was assessed by the Wong Baker FACES pain rating scale. It is a 0-10 scale, showing 6 cartoon faces that range from neutral to crying expressions. The level of anxiety was assessed by the Venham Picture Test. It consists of 8 cards with pictures of children in various dental situations. There are two figures on each card, one in which a child appears happy and other one in which he looks distressed. Each child was asked to point out a figure which corresponds to his/her feeling. A kaleidoscope is a cylindrical toy with mirrors containing a number of loose, coloured objects like beads. The images inside a kaleidoscope are based on the principle of multiple reflections of coloured objects on typically 3 mirrors set at an angle of 60˚ to each other. A score was recorded for each card when a "high end" picture was selected and summed to give a total out of eight. Higher scores indicate greater fear and anxiety. The statistical analysis (test of significance) was performed using a t-test. The result showed a significant reduction in anxiety in the experimental group. Moreover, there was a reduction in pain perception in the experimental group.
Parole chiave: Kaleidoscope, distraction, local anaesthesia, anxiety, pain, pediatric
Poster 2350, Lingua: IngleseBiewer, Bob / Kleine Borgmann, Felix / Rompen, Eric / Mittelbronn, Michel / Quatresooz, PascaleThe present study evaluated the influence of LIPUS on regeneration processes of bone defects below the critical size in irradiated and non-irradiated rabbit tibia. The study was based on a total of six white New-Zealand adult female rabbits. Apart from surgery to create bone defects on all tibiae, the following four treatments were randomly added on: (1) C group: only the surgical procedure was applied with no additional treatment, serving as the control, (2) R group, the irradiated side received 15 Gy in single dose, (3) US group, treated with LIPUS, and (4) R+US group, irradiated with 15 Gy and treated with LIPUS (n=6 defects per group). The surgery control samples showed 83.10% ± 17.79% of bone repair after 9 weeks, while the irradiated bone had significantly (p < 0.5) less regenerated during the same period (66.42% ± 29.36%). LIPUS treatment on irradiated bones performed a 79.21% ± 21.07% bone fill and could not significantly (p > 0.05) improve the response compared to the non-treated irradiated specimens. In the irradiated bones, ultrasound treatment produced only 3.89% less new bone compared to the untreated control group; this repair is insignificantly lower than the natural bone healing in the untreated control group. LIPUS treatment on non-irradiated bone, however, showed bone formations beyond the size defect (115.91% ± 33.69%), highly significantly different when compared to the control group or any irradiated group. It is noteworthy that the application of ultrasound to healthy bone produced highly significantly enhanced bone formations, with 36.70% more regenerated bone when comparing the same application on irradiated bone (79.21% ± 21.07%). LIPUS vibration stimuli may be considered as a promising complementary treatment approach in non-irradiated bone regeneration procedures to shorten the treatment and to enhance the bone healing. In irradiated bones, the effect of ultrasound application is less apparent and further studies are needed to refine the dynamics of the present results.
Parole chiave: Low intensity pulsed ultrasound, osteogenesis, osteoradionecrosis, bone regeneration, tibia, rabbit
Poster 2354, Lingua: Tedesco, IngleseCorteville, Frederic / Krey, Karl-Friedrich / Ratzmann, AnjaZiel: Für die Herstellung von Alignern mittels Tiefziehtechnik werden in einem digitalen Workflow 3D-gedruckte Arbeitsmodelle benötigt. Dafür stehen verschiedene Druckverfahren zur Verfügung, die spezifische Vor- und Nachteile haben. Ziel war die Optimierung des Modelldrucks mittels FDM-Druckern hinsichtlich des verwendeten Materials.
Material und Methode: Für die Untersuchung wurde ein Patientenmodell mit Attachments bukkal und lingual mittels OnyxCeph (Image Instruments, Chemnitz) erstellt und nach Druckoptimierung exportiert. Zusätzlich wurde eine Testplatte mit definierten neun Parametern zur Erfassung von Innen- und Außenmaßen, Oberflächengüte und Detaildarstellung ausgewählt. Alle Objekte wurden mit einem TEVO Tornado (TEVO 3D Electronic Technology Co. Ltd., China) mit 150μm Layer-dicke unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen und Parametern gedruckt. Insgesamt wurden 11 Materialien getestet. Sowohl die Modelle als auch Testplatten wurden mit einem digitialen Messschieber und einem VHX-6000-Digitalmikroskop (Keyence Deutschland GmbH, Neu-Isenburg) vermessen und die Oberflächen begutachtet. Auch Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit wurden in die Bewertung einbezogen.
Ergebnisse: Es zeigten vier von den elf Materialien unter diesen Bedingungen sowohl nach metrischer Analyse als auch hinsichtlich der Oberflächengüte günstige Eigenschaften. Andere Materialien wiesen Geruchsentwicklung oder deutliche Verziehungen (Warping) auf. Teilweise wäre dies durch anders konstruierte Drucker mit beheiztem Bauraum vermeidbar. Die Genauigkeit ist bei allen verwendeten Materialien unter Beachtung der Messgenauigkeit akzeptabel.
Schlussfolgerung: Als geeignetste Materialien können PETG (Glykol-modifiziertes Polyethylen-terephthalat), PLA (Polylactid), modifizierte Biopolymere und Lignin-basierte Filamente empfohlen werden. Die letzten drei sind aufgrund der biologischen Abbaubarkeit aus unserer Sicht zu bevorzugen. Modifizierte Biopolymere (z.B. Biofil PowR) und Lignin-Filamente (z.B. GreenTech Pro) können als die besten Druckmaterialien angesehen werden.
Parole chiave: FDM-3D_Druckmaterialien, Alignertechnik