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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Crispian Scully / Nairn H. F. Wilson

Culturally Sensitive Oral Healthcare

Collana: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 35
1st Edition 2006
Hardcover, 190 pagine, 90 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categorie: Gestione dello studio, Odontoiatria in generale

ISBN 978-1-85097-118-4
QP United Kingdom


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This is not a text about technical dentistry. Neither is this book intended to cover the orofacial problems that can affect people of various cultures and lifestyles, although they are mentioned where relevant. This book is about patient care. The knowledge base to be culturally sensitive is enormous. Lists of cultural traits and religious customs and beliefs can help, but inevitably give a very false impression of uniformity. Thus, in making reference to such lists, it is crucial to remember that there is considerable variation within every cultural and religious group and to avoid stereotyping. The information given applies only to certain patients. It is not a recipe for all solutions: it simply provide guidelines as a starting point for individualising dental healthcare. Individuals' views, practices, needs and wishes vary widely and can be influenced by religion, ethnicity, educational, socioeconomic, acculturational and other factors. This book is presented in three sections. The first section covers the many aspects of culturally sensitive healthcare, the second section outlines features of various religions and faiths and the third discusses cultural groups. In the second and third sections, topics have been arranged alphabetically for convenience.
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Cover, Scully/Wilson: Culturally Sensitive Oral Healthcare