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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
R. Graham Chadwick

Dental Erosion

Collana: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 34
1st Edition 2006
Hardcover, 86 pagine, 69 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categorie: Odontoiatria restaurativa, Odontoiatria in generale

ISBN 978-1-85097-165-8
QP United Kingdom


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Dental erosion is increasingly common. Its effects can be profound with lifelong consequences for the general and dental health of affected individuals. This book seeks to provide a framework of knowledge, in an easy-to-use format, to enable the dental team to manage effectively those with dental erosion. A concise, evidence based approach is adopted that is illustrated with examples of real cases. Many useful practical tips on treating such patients are given.

Chapter 1. Erosion—Is it a Problem?
Chapter 2. Risk Factors Associated with Dental Erosion
Chapter 3. Formulating a Management Strategy
Chapter 4. Preventive Measures
Chapter 5. The Future
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