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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Keith Horner / John Rout / Vivian E. Rushton

Interpreting Dental Radiographs

Collana: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 05
1st Edition 2003
Hardcover, 176 pagine, 247 Foto
Lingua: Inglese
Categoria: Radiologia e fotografia

ISBN 978-1-85097-052-1
QP United Kingdom


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After clinical history-taking and examination, radiography is the "third way" of diagnosis, and dentists face the daily task of interpreting radiographic images to help in patient management. This book aims to give a comprehensive guide to reading x-ray images in dental practice and concentrates on intraoral radiographs. The text builds on a strong foundation of anatomical knowledge and is reinforced by the authors' experience of the radiological appearances that frequently challenge dentists.

Chapter 01. Basic Principles
Chapter 02. Normal Anatomy
Chapter 03. Dental Caries
Chapter 04. Radiology of the Periodontal Tissues
Chapter 05. Periapical and Bone Inflammation
Chapter 06. Anomalies of Teeth
Chapter 07. Trauma to the Teeth and Jaws
Chapter 08. Assessment of Roots and Unerupted Teeth
Chapter 09. Radiolucencies in the Jaws
Chapter 10. Mixed Density and Radiopapque Lesions
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Cover, Horner/Rout/Rushton: Interpreting Dental Radiographs