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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Björn Ludwig / Jens Johannes Bock (Editore)

Kieferorthopädie up to date

1st Edition 2023
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 316 pagine, 890 Foto
Lingua: Tedesco
Categoria: Ortodonzia

ISBN 978-3-86867-658-7
QP Deutschland


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Selected articles from the 2021 and 2022 issues of the KIEFERORTHOPÄDIE journal have been compiled for this book on the topics of adult orthodontics, digital orthodontics, biomechanics, and clinical orthodontics as well as patient examples of differential diagnostic interest and suspected radiologic diagnoses.

The yearbook format allows current topics to be made available to readers at short notice, thus keeping pace with the changes in orthodontics.


  • Adult orthodontics
  • Digital orthodontics
  • Biomechanics
  • Clinical orthodontics: techniques, patient examples, clinical pearls
  • Differentially interesting patient examples and suspected radiologic diagnoses



Dr. Björn Ludwig

Germania, Traben-Trarbach

Björn Ludwig is an orthodontics specialist who operates his private office in a small village in Germany. He holds positions at two universities: the University of Homburg/Saar in Germany and the Department of Orthodontics, Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. While his primary focus is on clinical work, he has a strong affinity for technology, which consistently sparks his interest. He is dedicated to advancing as a researcher and writer, actively participating in a variety of research projects and taking on editorial roles for academic journals. Furthermore, he serves as an editor for several books and is the author of numerous book chapters in classic orthodontic texts. In addition to his passion for orthodontics, he also takes pleasure in cycling as a means tounwind.


Dr. Jens Johannes Bock

Germania, Fulda

Dr. Jens J. Bock is an orthodontist in joint practice with his wife in Fulda, Germany. He is the author and co-editor of several textbooks in the field of diagnostics and clinical orthodontics. Dr. Bock is co-editor of Kieferorthopädie and has published widely nationally and internationally in the field of modern imaging and digital procedures.

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